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Lady Di and John John Kennedy: Hidden Romance in New York!

They were beautiful, young, and had the world at their feet… In 1995, the one everyone had already nicknamed “the princess of hearts”, and John-John, the son of the legendary President of the United States JFK, shared very privileged in New York… This is just what RoseMarie Terenzio, who was at the time the young man’s executive assistant, in the columns of Vanity Fair.

The latter remembers perfectly that this dashing editor and lawyer had decided to create a magazine called George, in reference to the first president of the United States, George Washington. This newspaper, dealing with politics, but also interested in the “people” aspect of celebrities, was a hit when it was released. And precisely, it is under the pretext of letting Princess Diana speak in the pages of her magazine that the “heir” had contacted her, eager to put her on the “front page” of George.

It should be remembered that at that time, Lady Di was surrounded by a haze of scandal, after her separation from Prince Charles and the disclosure of her supposed connections. Also, before making her decision, no doubt haunted by curiosity, she had wanted to meet the handsome brunette in New York, to talk about her project.

But, as RoseMarie Terenzio tells it, it is impossible for both of them to move without a horde of paparazzi on their heels! So they try, with their teams, to thwart their vigilance. The meeting is to take place at the Carlyle, a prestigious New York hotel where JFK’s son is accustomed to. Will they show up in disguise, use the accesses intended for the staff? In the end, they opt for the least expected solution: they will pass, like all hotel guests, through the main entrance door! And against all odds, this brilliant idea works. John-John and Diana meet in the privacy of a room, and share an hour and a half of their existence …

What happened there, no one can really attest to. If Lady Di did not finally appear in the magazine, Simone Simmons, affirmed in 2005, in her book Last Confidences, that Diana would have revealed to her to have had an intimate relationship with John-John… Which is unfortunately certain is that in 1997, the princess of hearts disappeared, soon followed by her knight serving, two years later, in a plane crash …

Laurence PARIS

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