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Lack of Awareness Have Eyes Checked, Many Cataract Patients Have Just Checked At Advanced Stage

Tribunnews Reporter, Fitri Wulandari

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Eyes are one of the organs that are very important for the body, because they can react to light and have a function to see.

But not a few people who experience health problems in their eyes.

Ophthalmologist Sub. Cataract Refractive Surgery Specialist from PMN Cicendo Eye Hospital, dr. Andrew M Knoch, Sp.M(K), M.Kes, said that many people tend to be reluctant to carry out routine health checks at health service facilities (fasyankes), including for eye organs.

That’s because most of those who claim to be in good health feel that ‘their bodies are fine’.

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Whereas routine health checks are important to do to find out early if there is a potential disease that appears.

“We are advised to do regular checkups when we are healthy, but sometimes it is difficult to do,” said Dr. Andrew, in a live talk show on Instagram @radiokesehat, Monday (21/6/2021).

According to him, on average, patients do consultations to the hospital if they have experienced symptoms.

Unfortunately, among them, many have just checked themselves when their disease conditions have entered the severe category.

“What we do is usually if there are symptoms, if something appears, then we will do an examination. Some patients even come for a checkup when their condition is quite severe,” said Dr. Andrew.

Therefore, he assessed that public awareness regarding the importance of conducting regular health checks is still very minimal.

“So in general I say that awareness is indeed lacking,” explained Dr. Andrew.

Not a few communities are experiencing cataract in his eyes because he was too late to realize the symptoms of this disease.

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