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La Axerquía raises its fist in homage to Julio Anguita | Radio Cordoba

The Communist Party of Spain (PCE) has summoned charges, activists and supporters to pay your own tribute to Julio Anguita, one year after his death. The Teatro de la Axerquía, which has filled its maximum capacity allowed due to the pandemic, with 1,540 occupied localities, has broken into farewell applause and he has stood up with his fists raised in commemoration of the legacy left for the left by the one who was the first mayor of democracy after the dictatorship in Córdoba.

“A political act more than a tribute”, They have vindicated all the voices that have taken the floor, knowing that Anguita did not like the flattery “but the message.” Therefore, between each of the interventions the intensity of the lights was lowered to listen to a compilation of statements from his entire career politics and staff.

The afternoon was opened by a poem with insubordinate companion, invincible fighter […] partner, you left but you left the decency you sowed on the furrow of life which translated into verse what all the following to intervene have said in prose.

Alba Doblas, during her speech / Cadena SER

The provincial secretary of the PCA in Córdoba, Alba Doblas, has urged “to flee from those who use Julio’s words for their own benefit”, placing Anguita as a guide for people on the left. “We as a people must take those ideas, again, to tangible policies,” he has stated among the development of the ideological lines of his formation today.

The general secretary of the communists in Andalusia took the witness, Ernesto Alba. “It imposes going up on the stage of an act like this,” he confessed at the beginning of his speech, in which he stressed that “Julio wanted to be remembered as a man who loved life, as someone who worked for a more just society from his ideas and as a person who believed in rebellion as an internal and personal process “. And although Alba admits the ability to sow doctrine of the ‘Red Caliph’, “there is no valid theory without political practice”, has emphasized.

The key to Anguita’s success resided, according to the MEP for Izquierda Unida (IU) Sira Rego, in “never give up”. He only had a fortuitous meeting with the one who was secretary general of the PCE between 1988 and 1998 and general coordinator of the IU from 1989 to 2000, but it marked the “program, program program” and, he has assured, that is the line that today he tries to follow in his functions as a public office.

The applause has been interrupted by the master of ceremonies of the night, the journalist Juanjo Fernández, who then gave way to the guitar of David Caro and the voice of Juan Pinilla. Silence in the stands. A deep but clear tone cuts through the afternoon “with the verses that Julio liked”, explained the singer before twisting the dynamics to go from whisper to scream.

The last chord was still melting when it came the most intimate intervention of the night. Ana Anguita, daughter of the former leader of communism and sister of the correspondent that the Iraq war took from journalism, takes the floor. He has remembered, in a solemn tone, the lessons that the one who was also a teacher by profession, as well as a politician, instilled in him. “My father said that the change pursued would be a very tough fight”.

Ana, the daughter of Julio Anguita, takes part in the act-tribute of the PCE to her father / Cadena SER

He has almost intoned the iconoclasm about his father, who “prepared each one of his speeches conscientiously because more than a brilliant mind, he was a studious man “. “And he always insisted,” Ana continued, “The politician has to read and reflect so as not to fall into empty speeches, which is why he never launched a public message without first checking the information, “he asserted.

The public has broken for a few seconds the rules established by the Municipal Institute of Performing Arts in times of pandemic: “Remain in your seats,” read the public address system at the beginning of the act. “He was buried with the flag of the hammer and sickle, as he always wanted,” challenged Anguita’s daughter, putting the audience on their feet. while retiring.

The organization has compensated big absences with two giant video projection screens. “We miss Cayo Lara, which for logistical reasons has not been able to attend, “they acknowledged, as well as the Minister of Consumption, Alberto Garzón or the third vice president of the government, Yolanda Díaz. The assistance of both was planned but had to be canceled “for health reasons.”

The last word was taken the secretary general of the PCE, Enrique Santiago, who has reviewed the political trajectory and ideology of Anguita: “A man who always put the common good first when taking sides”.

The general secretary of the PCE, Enrique Santiago / Cadena SER

In this sense, he has cataloged the legacy of “indelible mark because his speech is valid for more years that pass”. Thus, Santiago has proclaimed that “liberal policies are incompatible with the social rights of the Constitution” and has reaffirmed the Republican position of the party. Because, he assured, “the best we can do is follow the example of Julio, a consistent and loyal communist.”

Undoubtedly, an act like that had to close it The International. And so it has been. La Axerquía raised its fist to the rhythm of the workers’ anthem while the ‘comrades’, that almost anachronism that has been one of the most repeated words of the night, embrace to say goodbye to Julio on the anniversary of his death and on the centenary of the foundation of its acronym.

Julio Anguita’s widow, Agustina Martín, in the act / Cadena SER

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