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Justice Reform: Minister Nordio’s Address at ANM Conference Sparks Debate

It was not the pasillo de honor that was given to Sergio Mattarella on Friday, nor the standing that was available to the guest Giuseppe Santalucia. For the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio the speech at the 36th national conference of the ANM was in the form of a question more than anything else. However, in front of the audience of magistrates gathered at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, Nordio – in the solo chair – did not hold back. At the bottom of the battle for the appointments of magistrates announced by the Keeper of the Seals, the former prosecutor revealed the content and principles of the reform, without raising her tone forever. On the contrary. Showing himself more relaxed than some say in the “political” role he plays today, he ended up in persuasive moments with his former colleagues, hoping to be able to talk to be established again by the entire government – and above. all Giorgia Meloni – consider it beneficial. “The message that comes from my presence here is to seek a meeting on the things that we could and should agree on,” he said.


Help more or less taken by the magistrates who did not, to be honest, to influence praise. Certainly when Nordio swore that he wanted to “ensure as much as possible the independence of the judiciary from any interference from political power” by protecting “the frequency of professional magistrates” within re – development of the CSM.

Conciliatory winks continued in declarations of intent, perhaps somewhat utopian (“I hope we no longer talk about conflicts between politics and the judges, we can talk about opposing views and open dialogue. Even the criticisms will be taken into account hottest ») and at least take turns with particular rigor in overseeing the separation of magistrates’ positions constitutional,” said the minister before announcing again that there are few other options and, therefore, it will be done as planned with the center-right electoral program.

«It will be done in principle of the Bordeaux declaration – the reassurance offered – It is the only Bordeaux declaration that provides for a clear distinction between a public prosecutor and a judge. But he himself provides, and for me it is a non-negotiable principle, that the public prosecutor should be completely independent from any authority, starting with the governing power. This is a non-negotiable dogma for me.”

In practice, work on what unites rather than what divides. And that, Nordio told the magistrates, is “effective justice”. «We have three competitions that are being defined, two others are just defined, we count – not only because Europe wants us to do so – to fill the gaps in the judges will be filled in 2026. We are trying to speed up the competitions because it is not possible that today’s competition time is the time of the 70s: 5 years have passed from the moment of the application to the implementation of the toga”.

Justice, at the conference ANM still distance between robes and the government. Praise for Mattarella


A figure, liked by those who were present, which certainly marked the intervention of the secretary of the dem Elly Schlein and the senator 5 Star and the former judge Roberto Scarpinato («The strategy of ‘ progress whose goal is to move to a new form of state defined as an illiberal democracy” said the latter, “The government has a muscular and aggressive attitude towards the judiciary” instead of the former, who then visited the neighborhood of Zen) not surprised by a proposal, but that is not Matteo Renzi.

The senator and founder of IV, just after wanting to stop the conflict between officials and politicians, actually took the opportunity to oppose the government (“Only chat about the separation of positions, not there is no bill yet”) and criticize the government. judges, even mentioning his personal story. “I’ve seen a lot of press releases against me. However, I have counted less against those who attacked the magistrates. You criticized Renzi, but when the former president of the ANM (Piercamillo Davigo ed.), who was present on all TV, after I gave lessons on justice, was criticized, I did not read words any loyalty to those who were criticized. ” And again: «Today it is not the dictatorship that controls you, today technological systems are able to enter private life and paradoxically increase the power of the judge. Who needs to be able to assess the balance between the coercive nature of a criminal act and the protection of privacy,” he said for example. To then conclude: “A stream of government control over prosecutors? I see the facts. Every day there are three innocent citizens in prison. The issue is fair justice that concerns citizens and not us politicians or magistrates.”


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2024-05-11 21:58:52

#Justice #Nordio #magistrates #Autonomy #dogma #individual #roles

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