Home » today » World » Czech President Predicts Ukraine’s Territorial Losses and Calls for Wake-Up Call for EU – Exclusive Interview with Die Presse

Czech President Predicts Ukraine’s Territorial Losses and Calls for Wake-Up Call for EU – Exclusive Interview with Die Presse

The President of the Czech Republic, Petar Pavel, believes that Ukraine will not be able to return to its borders from 1991.

In an interview with Die Presse, he said: “Ukraine is unlikely to get back all the territories within the internationally recognized borders, at least in the future. “

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According to him, Russia will not be satisfied with only part of Ukraine. So far, the Russian invader has taken over almost 1/5 of Ukraine’s territory.

The Czech president believes that Kiev can give up membership in the Alliance in exchange for security guarantees and the military presence of Western countries.

Patrick Paul said that the Western countries were living in an illusion that the peace would be permanent. “We enjoyed a long period of peace and prosperity. This has led to a false sense of security – that we can maintain our way of life without protecting it. People tend to believe that the circumstances they are born into will last forever,” he said.

“The EU is founded on the ideals of freedom, democracy, free markets, dignity and rights for all. Unfortunately, it seems that large parts of the world are aiming for different futures and have different ideas about world order. We must face this new reality and ensure the security of our citizens, both from military and non-military threats. We need to wake up,” Pavel said.

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2024-05-11 17:05:00
#President #Czech #Republic #Ukraine #recover #occupied #territories

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