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Industry for higher vocational education: New educational perspectives enhance vocational training

Important educational perspective for apprenticeship graduates – contribution to more attractive vocational training – ensuring communication and clarity

Vienna (OTS) The Industrial Association (IV) is pleased that higher vocational education can now be implemented next May, after passing the Parliament’s Economic Committee. Giving apprenticeship graduates new educational perspectives is crucial to making apprenticeship training more attractive and thus securing the next generation of skilled workers in our country. Practical further development and deepening will offer an additional alternative to studying in the future through the possibility of higher vocational education.

Now it’s about embedding the new educational segment into the existing educational landscape and conveying its importance to the broader population. The value of the new qualifications must also reach companies and, above all, the workforce. This requires appropriate communication work, but also an easy-to-understand relationship to the qualifications of the universities and proven titles such as engineer and master craftsman. The industry will be happy to take part in this work, because practical vocational training should now finally be given the importance for society as a whole that it has long been entitled to from an economic perspective.

Questions & Contact:

Industrial Association
Marlena Mayer
Press spokesperson
+43 (1) 711 35-2315

2023-12-01 13:21:49
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