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If you are thinking about having children… 5 habits that can reduce your fertility and should be avoided

Written by Mervat Rashad

Sunday, February 19, 2023 07:00 AM

Infertility now affects up to 15% of couples of childbearing age worldwide, and the number is growing every year. Fertility problems They can have a variety of causes, the answer can sometimes be found in the choices you make every day, a variety of factors can affect fertility in both males and females, and these factors can be caused by the lifestyle habits they need to change Here are some habits that could jeopardize your desire to become a parent, according to “doctor.ndtv.”

Avoid these habits to increase fertility

1. Too much smoking

Smoking can affect the fertility of both men and women. It can lead to early onset of menopause in women and lower sperm quality in men. Therefore, quitting smoking is the best option.

2. Lack of sleep

Sleep patterns are usually affected by the body’s circadian rhythm, which is responsible for producing hormones throughout the day. There are higher rates of infertility and miscarriage among women who work night shifts or stay up late. Levels of progesterone, estrogen, leptin, and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) can be improved. ), all of which are essential for pregnancy, by getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

3. Too much caffeine

Coffee consumption can affect a man’s ability to produce sperm. The repercussions are worse for women. It can increase the risk of miscarriage and be more dangerous for women who are infertile. Additionally, excessive caffeine consumption may contribute to delayed pregnancy. As a result, It is advised to limit daily caffeine intake to no more than 250 mg. Reproductive endocrinologists currently recommend this for couples who are having difficulty conceiving.

4. Bad eating habits

Workers are increasingly ignoring breakfast, eating fast lunches, and eating lavish dinners at the desk, thus depriving them of their health and fertility. Food and fertility are closely linked. Inadequate nutrition directly affects a woman’s ability to ovulate. In addition, it leads to Eating junk food often leads to obesity and depletes some of the necessary nutrients in the body, making pregnancy more difficult. Fertility experts claim that women who regularly eat junk food take longer to conceive than those who don’t. As a result, you should monitor your eating patterns. If you want to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

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