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How to deal with the lack of attention of children? Dietitian teaches 5 tips to improve the diet – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network


Xue Xiaojing said the tyrosine in protein can stimulate the brain and make the brain sober, like milk and eggs; the image is a situational photo. (Photo taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Rapporto completo]The child lacks concentration in class, always writes and plays while reading, so he is worried that he is suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; in this regard, the nutritionist stated that concentration performance can be influenced by the Influenza diet and teaches 5 dietary tips and menus, such as eating more high-protein foods for breakfast, supplementing foods with Omega-3, eating vegetables rich in magnesium , etc., to help children regain concentration.

Nutritionist Xue Xiaojing on Facebook“Dietitian Xiaojing Mom’s Life Notes”According to data from the National Health Administration, the prevalence rate of ADHD among children in my country is 5-7% and the ratio of male to female students is 4: 1. But don’t worry, diet may affect your child’s concentration performance.

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Tyrosine increases concentration by having a protein-rich breakfast at breakfast

Tyrosine (one of the amino acids) in protein can stimulate the brain and keep the brain awake.The main source is milk, but milk also contains tryptophan, which causes the brain to produce serotonin, which makes people sleepy and sleepy. Therefore, when it is necessary to concentrate, the protein ratio of the meal should be higher, so that the ratio of tyrosine is higher than that of tryptophan, which is then metabolized with folic acid, iron, niacin and vitamin B6 to produce dopamine and adrenaline. and norepinephrine (formed by the action of dopamine and vitamin C, copper and oxygen), these neurotransmitters will make the brain alert and mentally excited. It is recommended to prepare more protein breakfasts, such as beans, seafood, eggs, etc., which can make the brain sober and maximize its function.

● foods rich in tyrosine: steak, pork chops, salmon, chicken breast, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, tofu, peanuts, cheese, milk.

● foods rich in vitamin B6: chicken breast, tuna, salmon, pork tenderloin, bananas, cauliflower, asparagus, papaya.

Choline and lecithin help brain neurotransmission, 1 egg per day improves memory

The content of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in the brain, is closely related to the quality of memory. Lecithin, which can help the brain convert acetylcholine, plays a more important role. In addition to making the brain more flexible, it can also improve memory.

Phosphatidylserine (also known as cephalin) in lecithin is the main component of the nerve cell membrane of the brain, which can increase the glucose concentration of the nerve cell membrane of the brain and the fluidity of the nerve cell membrane of the brain, making the brain flexible and improving memory. Egg yolk has the highest lecithin content. One whole egg contains 700 mg of lecithin. For schoolchildren and young children who do not have cholesterol problems, one egg yolk a day can help brain development; its products begin.

Magnesium and Vitamin B6 Help Stabilize Mood Chlorophyll Vegetables are beneficial

Journal of the American College of NutritionIn a 6-month clinical study of 52 children under the age of 15 diagnosed with attention deficit, the study reported that supplementing with vitamin B6 and magnesium reduced children’s central nervous system hyperexcitability; therefore, more foods rich in magnesium and vitamin B6 can be given for children prone to restlessness. Since one of the components of chlorophyll is magnesium, all vegetables rich in chlorophyll, including spinach, amaranth, kale, etc., as well as germ, whole bran, stone fruit, seeds and bananas, are rich in magnesium.

Omega-3 fish supplements reduce inflammation, build the brain

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, that is, they must be obtained from the diet, and EPA and DHA are essential for the development and functioning of the brain. There is growing evidence that the relative lack of Omega-3s can lead to many mental and neurodevelopmental disorders. Recent studies have also found that EPA can reduce ADHD symptoms and increase alertness in some children. Therefore, Omega-3s are often used as an ADHD prevention measure.

In case of not using supplements, it is recommended to increase the Omega-3 intake of fish to increase the concentration of EPA in the blood; Furthermore, the main cause of the inattention of many children is allergies, and a sufficient intake of Omega-3 can also reduce the body’s inflammation index, reducing the occurrence of a decrease in concentration due to allergies.


Increasing your Omega-3 intake from fish can reduce inflammation and build the brain; the image is a situational photo. (Photo taken from freepik)

Eat less sugar and processed foods to avoid overstimulation

Refined sugars and food additives are the reasons for the increase in the percentage of children suffering from ADHD in modern times. Especially with the advancement of food processing, it is very convenient to buy sugary snacks or drinks in urban or rural areas. On the other hand, there may be a relationship between allergic reactions and hyperactive behavior. Although food additive molecules are small and may not be direct allergens, food additives can stimulate immune cells, stimulate nerve cells, and thus cause a subsequent allergic reaction.

Xue Xiaojing added that in a literature review in 2022, after reviewing many studies, it was found that although the artificial food coloring has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, it is still suspected to be related to ADHD symptoms, especially in the 9 FDA-certified edible colors. Among the pigments, there are 2 types of artificial pigments that have related problems. Therefore, children are recommended to cut back on excess refined sugar and processed foods to avoid concentration problems.

● Easy setup to combat inattention and brain-filling menu

Breakfast: rich combination of protein and tyrosine, such as fresh milk + poached egg + sweet potato.

Dinner: Rich in Omega-3 and Vitamin B6, C, such as salmon, fried sakura cabbage, brown rice, guava.

Dinner before bed: rich in magnesium, tryptophan, moderate sugar, such as bananas, cashews, fresh milk.

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