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How many eggs can we eat without risking health problems?

A study published earlier this year in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine revealed how since the 1970s the egg industry has increasingly funded research into the link between this product and health problems, including cholesterol. The experts adhering to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine have examined the research published on the subject since 1950: in the period 2010-2019 as many as 60% in this area were funded by companies. Among the examples, one from 2014, in which despite the data showing problems with cholesterol, the conclusions were reassuring.

Beyond conflicts of interest, we dedicate today’s column of Food Myths a a food known time ago, so that era carriedO on the table by the Rstomorrow for to start in the best way a lunch, from which derives the expression initiare ab egg”, Oppure it was donated by the Greeks to gods ed è still rich in symbolism today: represents the rebirth of Christ at Easter and it’s also a synonymous with abundance and good wishes.
It must be remembered that legg is biologically ato single great cell, identica for all biochemical and metabolic aspects to the other aspects of the organism who generated it, ma with dimensions so out from normal that, if all cells were the same size as the egg, a laying hen would be just over 500 meters high, with great advantage for those who love baked thighs with potatoes!
From a nutritional and health point of view, the egg pays
But a past smallor prejudices and sometimes errors, which involves a natural, but not always well founded ill disposition veri know its regular consumo.

NI don’t want to eat too many eggs perchIt is their digestion is complex and heavy

FALSE Ogni individuo it is unique e per some the eggs are Really difficult to digest, but this feeling of heaviness often it depends fromthe choice of way to cook them Oppure dall’fromuse of seasonings that you use. The itself omelette, if made with oil or butter, is of done slower to digest per i fat that you sumno a those deThe egg is that at the end fatigue some organs such as the liver. Amazingly a soft-boiled egg is digested in circa 90 minutes while pasta with tomato sauce requeste about two hours andeven the meat can he tenaciously resisterand digestion also per three ore.
It is true that digestion of thethe eggs is Slowsta I know these are accompanied with della bacon or, faI surrenderthere pass for Anglo-Saxons, with dell’aboundsnte fried bacon or again, adding to the plate of the unnecessary sauces spesso very rich in fat.

I can’t go to the gym per my commitments, but to increase the muscle mass, I will eat a few more eggs than usual and I’ll make a good impression

FALSE The eggs they contain about 12.5% ​​protein and on average a chicken egg weighs about 55 g. This translates into the fact that a couple of eggs they provide approx 25 grams of protein, comparable a a with astick of 150 grams O ad a piece of cheese of circa 100 grams. To this must be added that egg proteins are considerate the best from the biological point of view because contengono in a balanced way all amino acids, including those essential, while others alimenti I provideno proteine of inferior quality. However, it is completely wrong consumare eggs for their high protein level thinking that faceno increase muscles. It is necessary to rassignburned, muscle mass does not increase of a pound, except with a persistent and continuous work out physical. Spit yes see consumere so much albums to introduce only the proteins e without adding calories of the whole egg. Ffortunately, it’s about products transformed, dove l’albumen is rendered more ofback than that raw which instead, contains both theovomucoide, that iniHere below enzymes digestedwe, that theavidina capable instead of kidnapsre biotin introduced with food.

I have cholesterol beyond the recommended values, so I avoid eating too much eggs

TRUE FALSE Consumption balanced of eggs does not increase the level of cholesterol chand instead, it depends on as many genetic and behavioral factors as eating too much sugars and fats, become part integrbefore of the living room home turning into “armchairs”, drink too many alcoholic beverages, eat a few fibre, etc. I egg fats I’m all concentratesyou especially in the yolk, but not I’m fat altogether “Bad”, indeed they are gives rievaluate how fat benefits with about 4 g /100g of yolk of polyunsaturated fat and about 12 grams/ 100g of yolk of monounsaturated fats respect to about 10 grams/ 100g of yolk of saturated fats. Questa composition can be considered balanced e acceptable for the health of thethe cardiovascular system. It should also be added that nand yolk are present numberse vitamins such as D, the To B12, but also useful substances for our central nervous system and for muscle contraction such as choline and,always, in yolk we find many mineral salts. The cholesterol present in the whole egg is approx of 250 milligrams which suggests not to abuse weekly in their consumption and always insert the eggs in a healthy and Mediterranean lifestyle.

I buy eggs regularly, but there are rules that help me to keep them better and which code is best for me to choose

VERO Store the eggs at temperatures of 4 ° C is not necessarysario, the dooreggs in the fridge as mentioned in the past it is an accessoriesO, however keeping them cool allows of to preserve e mantenerne a lungo their flavor. Land cracked or even eggs those routes should be the first to be sacrificed in the kitchen while it is good to avoid the tradition of break them on the edge of the bowl. The latter advice serve a prevent small pieces of the shell, difficult then to be removed, may fall in the bowl. It may seem strange, but keep the eggs with the tip down, the most impact resistant and closeoni, helps to avoid unwanted breakages.
Finally, it would be good to know the key to the code stamped on the shells of the eggs.
The number
0 indicates the eggs produced in extensive and organic farms, code 1 are outdoor farms, while code 2 with the words “free-range hens” Unfortunately it does not represent hens scratching around happy in the farmyard, but animals living in sheds well lit and with a density of 7-9 animals per square meter. This condition is better hens in cages with densities up to 25 animals per square meter and indicated by number 3 on the shells.
Always the same code also tells us the country of manufacture (e.g. IT for Italy), which is important at this moment per know e valoutare the provenance of the product though whiletoo much nothing is known about the origin of eggs used as ingredients in finished products.

Welcomea fare breakfast with the eggs e I think that born I will draw dethe advantages

VERO Eggs for them protein content and for theirs excellent value from the biological point of view, allow us to control appetite in the morning at least until the arrival of the snack that will recharge us. To consume regularmind of eggs, according to a Canadian study, it contributes to well-being of the apparatus cardiovascular for the their content of the numerous antioxidants and vitamins that we have viewed content in the yolk. L‘inevitable downside consists inadding fat while cooking the egg, which should be minimized indispensable, e in various and superfluous sauces, but also in slices of baconfried / bacon. Si can accompany the dish of scrambled eggs with some fresh and rich vegetables anch’essa of antioxidants and vitamins.

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