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So big, can the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids of Giza be seen from space?

To answer that question, we first need to define where the Earth’s atmosphere ends and outer space begins. Atmospheric Bumi ends in Garis Kármán.

No karma line named after the physicist Theodore von Kármán. This boundary is widely regarded as the boundary between Earth and space. Usually, that line is defined as 100 kilometers above the Earth’s surface.

So, what can be seen from such a distance? On a clear day, would someone on Kármán’s path see the Great Wall of China or the Great Pyramids of Giza, for example?

The Bingham Canyon Mine, located about 32 km southeast of Salt Lake City, is the largest man-made excavation ever. The mine is so large that it is not only visible from the Kármán line without needing magnification, but is also reportedly visible to astronauts aboard the American Space Agency’s (NASA) Space Shuttle, orbiting at an altitude between 190 and miles (305-531 km) above the surface. sea.

The Three Gorges Dam, which spans the Yangtze River in China is also visible from space, according to NASA. The dam is easily the largest electricity generating facility in the world and is considered the most expensive hydroelectric dam ever built, France 24 report. It is 607 feet (185 m) tall and over 1.2 miles (2 km) long.

Some highways, especially those that pass through barren areas such as deserts, can also be selected depending on conditions and light, according to Chris Hadfield, a former ISS commander.

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