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How Many Carbs Should You Eat to Lose Weight? page all

KOMPAS.comDiet low carbohydrate proven effective for lose weight. According to studies, limiting the daily amount of carbohydrates can reduce a person’s appetite.

Because, diet This low-carbohydrate diet allows people to eat until they are full and feel satisfied, but still lose weight.

Actually, how many carbohydrates can be consumed each day to lose weight?

Launch Healthline, Thursday (2/4/2020) the first thing you should pay attention to is the amount carbohydrates for weight loss depending on age, gender, body type, and level of physical activity.

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On the other hand, low carb diet also depending on their weight loss goals, some people may reduce their daily carbohydrate intake by about 50 to 150 grams per day.

Carbohydrate known to account for 45 to 65 percent of the total daily caloric intake for all age groups and genders.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that a person needs 300 grams of carbohydrates for an intake of 2,000 calories per day.

What is a low-carb diet?

Low carb diet is to limit the intake of carbohydrates, including sugars and starches such as bread or pasta, then replace them with protein, healthy fats, and vegetables.

A 2015 study published in National Center for Biotechnology Information shows that low-carb diets can reduce a person’s appetite, consume fewer calories, and help lose weight more easily than other types of diets.

Not only losing weight, a low-fat diet also helps regulate blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol in the body. So, it can be said that this diet is good for health.

The amount of carbohydrates needed by each person tends to be different from one another. For example, people who are physically active and have more muscle mass can consume higher carbohydrates.

Meanwhile, people with metabolic problems such as obesity or type 2 diabetes, the amount of carbohydrate intake needs to be limited.

Recommended amount of carbohydrates for weight loss

So far there have been no scientific reports showing the amount of carbohydrates a person needs to lose weight.

However, nutritionists have formulated the intake of carbohydrates that can be consumed per day, including:

1. Consume 100–150 grams of carbohydrates per day

This amount, experts say falls into the category of moderate carbohydrate intake which is effective for thin and physically active people who want to stay healthy and maintain their weight.

Carbohydrates that can be consumed include:

  • All kinds of vegetables
  • Few pieces of fruit per day
  • Healthy starches in moderation, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and healthier whole grains like rice and oats

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2. Eat 50–100 gram carbohydrates per day

This amount range may be suitable for those of you who want to lose weight by keeping some sources of carbohydrates in the diet.

The amount of carbohydrate intake can also help maintain weight, if you are sensitive to carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates that can be consumed include:

  • All kinds of vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Low amount of starchy carbohydrates

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3. Consume 20–50 grams of carbohydrates per day

At this amount, a low-carb diet is claimed to be more effective at losing weight quickly. This diet is also suitable for those who have problems with metabolic syndrome, obesity, or diabetes.

Carbohydrate intake of less than 50 grams per day makes the body go into ketosis. This condition may reduce appetite and trigger rapid weight loss.

Meanwhile, the types of carbohydrates that can be eaten include:

  • Low-carb vegetables like potatoes, corn, or broccoli
  • Berries
  • Avocados, nuts and seeds

To note, a low-carb diet doesn’t mean you have to eliminate carbohydrates in your diet diet to lose weight, but these diets tend to make you eat more foods that are low in carbohydrates.

In addition, this diet is not only about weight loss, but also can improve body health. This means that processed foods that are processed for a long time should be avoided.

The following types of food can be consumed:

  • Lean meat
  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Avocados and other sources of healthy fats

You can also have carbohydrate sources that contain fiber, such as vegetables. If you prefer a moderate intake of carbohydrates, try eating potatoes, sweet potatoes, oats, and brown rice.

Then, always limit added sugars and other carbohydrates, in order to achieve your weight loss goals and get the health benefits of a low-carb diet optimally.

Also read: 6 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

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