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How important is rest in training

Exercise is certainly one of the cornerstones of a healthy life. Along with a balanced diet, fitness is the primary means of having a IMC adequate.

Unfortunately, there is still a lot of misinformation on the subject. Training methods and strategies are born day by day that take little account of individual differences.

It is always necessary to turn to an expert to approach such a complex world.

Many also struggle to notice results or give up too soon. Why?

Certainly at the beginning we tend to overdo it and we do not understand how much rest is really important in training. On the wave of enthusiasm, novices may get caught up in the heat. Over-training (the phenomenon of overtraining) can be very harmful.

Why do you need to rest?

Understanding how important rest is in training is the first step towards guaranteed results.

First of all, it is essential for recovery. If they continuously train the same muscle fibers, they will soon come to a point of failure. Furthermore, it is impossible to stimulate hypertrophy if the muscle is not given time to regenerate.

Without rest, again, the strength suffers greatly. You will feel sluggish and unwilling. The phenomena of procrastination and abandonment of training will be on the agenda.

It is important that there is adequate recovery time between one set and another of a given exercise. If you do ten curl for the bicepsfor example, you need to have at least sixty seconds of rest. Otherwise you will not be able to get the same number of repetitions in the second set.

Furthermore, having a respite is also important to regain strength on a psychological level.

The example of a weekly program

An example to understand how important rest is in training is the following.

Both rest between sets and absolute rest are taken into consideration. It should also be noted the non-random choice of the muscle groups that are stimulated every day.

Looking at the case of a beginner, one can imagine a workout on odd days of the week with three days of absolute rest.

On Mondays you can think about training your legs and shoulders as there is no type of overlap of these muscle groups. Wednesdays are devoted to arms with biceps and triceps that are antagonistic to each other. Finally, on Friday, we dedicate ourselves to the chest and back with push and pull exercises. On all three days an aerobic warm-up is recommended. The abs can be worked out in every session.

By following this program, it is possible to experience first-hand the importance of rest. However, it must be agreed and studied in a precise manner with the help of a professional.

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