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High Cholesterol Can Be Without Symptoms, Be Careful, Mother!


Cholesterol Height can cause the body to feel stiff and sore. This condition is often associated with unhealthy eating patterns.

You need to know, cholesterol is not a disease, you know. Cholesterol is a fat that can be found in our body. This fat is even needed in the body, as long as the levels are still within normal limits.

“Apart from food, cholesterol is also produced in the body, precisely in the liver or liver. Cholesterol will be helped to circulate in the body through transport proteins (lipoproteins), namely high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). or bad cholesterol,” said Internal Medicine Specialist, dr. Muhammad Syah Abdaly, Sp.PD or familiarly called Daly, to HaiBunda recently.

Cholesterol function

Our bodies need cholesterol for the following:

  1. Protects cells in the body. One of the outer layers of the cells of the human body is made by cholesterol to protect the cells of our body.
  2. Forming hormones, such as steroid hormones and cortisol.
  3. Helps the production of vitamin D, because the reserves of vitamin D in the skin contain cholesterol. Later, this vitamin will be activated by exposure to sunlight into active vitamin D.
  4. Bile acid-forming component in the body.
  5. Components needed for the transfer or connection of connections between nerve cells in the brain.

Cholesterol levels in the body

Generally, the higher the HDL level, the better it is for the body. Conversely, the higher the LDL level, the less good it is for the body. Normal cholesterol levels that the body needs are as follows:

  • Normal total cholesterol levels:
  • Up to optimal LDL:
  • Kadar optimal HDL: > 60 mg/dL.
  • Normal triglyceride levels:

Meanwhile, when high LDL and triglyceride levels can arise health hazard, such as narrowing of blood vessels that are at risk of causing heart disease, stroke, and other blood vessel diseases.

Symptoms of high cholesterol

In general, the typical symptoms of cholesterol are not present. However, symptoms arise from clinical manifestations that are complications of high cholesterol, such as heart disease or stroke.

Meanwhile, in conditions of very high triglycerides, a person can experience:

  • Acute pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas
  • tingling
  • Impaired consciousness
  • Blood vessels in the retina change color (Lipemia retinalis)
  • Blood plasma turns into milk.

Meanwhile, in conditions of high LDL, a person can experience Xanthelasma or fat deposits in the area

  • Eyelid
  • Day
  • Knee
  • Tendon achilles.

High cholesterol risk factors

Risk factors for people who have cholesterol disorders (dyslipidemia), including high cholesterol, can be caused by the following:

  1. Smoker
  2. Diabetes
  3. Hypertension
  4. Family history of coronary heart disease, or high cholesterol
  5. Chronic kidney disease
  6. Chronic inflammation
  7. Obesity
  8. Age (men over 40 years or women over 50 years or menopause).

For mothers who have the risk factors above, it is necessary to immediately screen for cholesterol checks. This is done to anticipate the need for further treatment or not.

Types of cholesterol disorders

Types of cholesterol disorders are divided into two, namely:

  1. Primary: cholesterol disorders due to genetic disorders.
  2. Secondary: cholesterol abnormalities caused by other diseases, such as hypothyroidism, nephrotic syndrome, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or the use of drugs, such as HIV drugs, estrogen oral contraceptives, steroids, or beta blockers.

Diagnosis of cholesterol disorders

Diagnosis of cholesterol disorders can be known through blood tests. You can find out complete cholesterol to LDL and HDL.

“Complete cholesterol checks can be done with the condition of fasting for 12 hours,” said doctor Daly.

If the total cholesterol is> 240 mg/dL, then it is said to be high cholesterol. Meanwhile, high LDL is> 160 mg/dL and high triglycerides are> 200 mg/dL.

Conditions that require medical attention

You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience any of the following conditions:

1. Complaints appear

Mother needs to see a doctor if there are any complaints related to the heart or possible stroke. Complaints of heart disease can be characterized by chest pain, while in stroke there will be signs of weakness on the other side of the body or slurred speech that appears suddenly.

2. High cholesterol test results

If the results of the high cholesterol examination and there are no complaints, you still need to consult a doctor. Daly said that appropriate intervention or treatment is needed to look for risk factors and prevent complications, such as heart disease or stroke.

“Doctors will usually evaluate to prevent these complications. One of them is by changing your lifestyle,” said the doctor who practices at RSU Bunda Jakarta and RSIA Bunda Jakarta.

For information on cholesterol treatment, see on the next page!

Check out the breakfast menu recommended by Reisa’s doctor for cholesterol sufferers in the video below:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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