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Haiti scratches the United States, denounces images of migrants at the border

via Associated Press

Haiti scratches the United States and denounces the shocking images of migrants at the border (photo of September 25, 2021)

INTERNATIONAL – “Migration will continue,” Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry told the UN General Assembly this Saturday, September 25, reminding the United States of the shock of the images of the refoulement of Haitian immigrants on the American-Mexican border, which they were built thanks to migrants.

“In recent days, the images of the treatment of several of my compatriots on the border between Mexico and the United States have shocked more than one,” said the Haitian official in a pre-recorded video speech.

“Without wishing to challenge the right of a sovereign state to control the accession of foreigners to its territory, or to return those who enter illegally to their countries of origin, we believe that many countries today prosperous have been built by successive waves of migrants and refugees ”, he stressed.

“Human beings will always flee poverty”

Several tens of thousands of migrants, mostly Haitians, have arrived since early September at the border between Mexico and the United States. This massive influx and the treatment suffered by some migrants, pushed back by members of the border police on horseback as they crossed the river separating the two countries, brought an avalanche of criticism to the administration of Joe Biden, considered inhuman. on the left and lax on the right.

“This problem of migrants should remind us that human beings, fathers and mothers, will always flee misery and conflicts, and seek to offer better living conditions to their offspring,” continued Ariel Henry.

“Migration will continue as long as there are areas of prosperity on our planet while the majority of the world population lives in precariousness, sometimes extreme, with no prospect of a better life,” he said. .

According to him, “to find a lasting solution to the migration problem, we must tackle the root causes of human displacement”. “I invite the international community to urgently strengthen measures to improve living conditions in countries providing political or economic refugees,” said the Haitian Prime Minister.

See also on The HuffPost: Haiti sinks into chaos, between destroyed houses and overwhelmed hospitals

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