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“All our fears.” Everything you need to know about the movie

“The level was balanced, and this level was related to very good films,” said Andrzej Barański, chairman of the jury, before the award ceremony. “We had two auxiliary criteria that we recalled: that the film should be beautiful (beauty may vary), but beautiful. And keep it up to date” – added.

“Thank you very much for your courage to make this film possible […] I would like to ask our Kino Świat distributor to convey the request we received yesterday after the screening from a young lesbian who wanted this film to reach as many people as possible “- said the producer of the film, Kuba Kosma, from the stage.

“It is also my dream that you will be able to see this film on the Polish Television in front of the TV set” – the speech was met with great applause from the audience.

Jacek Poniedzialek and Maria Maj in the film Jacek Poniedziałek and Maria Maj in the film “All our fears” – Jarosław Sosiński / Press materials

He inspired the creators of the film awarded with the Golden Lions Rycharski’s project entitled “Cross”. It is a crucifix made of two pieces of wood, decorated with a rue motif – a symbol of innocence. There is a dramatic story behind it. The tree grew in Podkarpacie, a place where teenagers in love committed suicide. It is this work by Rycharski, which found its way not only to the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, but also to the streets of Krakowskie Przedmieście, that is the axis of the events of “All our fears”.

“This film is very close to the Polish countryside, Polish problems and Polish Catholicism. The great revelation of the Gdynia festival exudes courage. It reminds us that the world is made of differences, and that the fight against contempt leads to nowhere. You can see yourself in it, make an examination of conscience. No matter which side of the divided Poland you are on“- wrote Dawid Dudko about the film in his review.

Daniel (played by David the Gardener) we observe at the meeting with the curator delighted with his work (Jacek Monday), during conversations about the existence of hell with girlfriends lesbians, or at sex meetings with our neighbor Olek (Oskar Rybaczek). Both in Rycharski’s house, which he shares with his devoted grandmother (Maria Maj), as well as the whole village, there is a relative peace. Apparent.

Gradually, the other side of Daniel’s life emerges – the difficult relationship with his eternally silent father (Andrzej Chyra) and regularly shouted a steak of homophobic insults outside the window. But he was used to it. The harassment of his homosexual friend Jagoda (Agata Łabno). Commits suicide by hanging. The local community is increasingly blaming Daniel for the girl’s death. He wants to organize a way of the cross in her intention, repeating: we have all sinned.

“All our fears”, dir. Łukasz Ronduda is still waiting for the Polish premiere. The film is slated to hit theaters in 2022 r.

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