[ベルリン 19日 ロイター] – German Foreign Minister Beerbock told the Bundestag on Wednesday that China was becoming a “systemic rival” rather than a trading partner or competitor, in a report on his visit to China last week. He said he was “beyond the shock”.
During his visit to China, Foreign Minister Beerbock said that “the dispute must be resolved peacefully” and warned that China was watching tensions in the Taiwan Strait with grave concern. He also said China was becoming aggressive externally and repressive domestically.
“There was more than a shock,” Foreign Minister Beerbock told parliament without giving details. For Germany, China is a partner country or a competitor country, but currently, “I got the impression that the aspect of a systemic rival is increasing,” he said, adding, “China is Germany’s largest trading partner, but this is “This does not necessarily mean that China is Germany’s most important trading partner.”
He said China has a responsibility to strive for world peace, and said it was important to use its influence against Russia, which is invading Ukraine. While he welcomed China’s pledge not to supply weapons to Russia, he said Germany would monitor whether those pledges would be honored.