Home » today » News » Four of those injured in an attack by a knife in Cabaiguán, Sancti Spíritus remain hospitalized

Four of those injured in an attack by a knife in Cabaiguán, Sancti Spíritus remain hospitalized

Six people were injured, of which four are still hospitalized, was the balance of the aggression with a knife, last Saturday, of an individual in the Juan González Agricultural Production Cooperative (CPA), from Cabaiguán, in Sancti Spíritus.

In an unusual gesture when it comes to a case of violence, the official press immediately echoed the news and offered the account of the events in the mouth of Lester Pino, president of the CPA. “We had an incident in the community with a colleague, who is not a cooperative member of ours, but he has lived in the community for about four years with his family, and even up to that moment he had behaved well with the neighbors,” narrated pine to the newspaper Escambray. “He had sold a pig and claimed that the money had been taken, although the money later turned up under the bed in his house.”

Convinced that he had been robbed, the assailant, whose name was not revealed, went out into the street and began stabbing everyone who crossed his path. The event took place around six in the evening. “They had taken more than two bottles of rum among three people in his house and he left there and on the street he stabbed people who had nothing to do with the problem, including an elderly retiree from the cooperative and two women, one one of them went to defend the other and he injured her,” the official continued.

“He had sold a pig and claimed that the money had been taken from him, although the money later appeared under the bed in his house”

A source close to the rural community of Juan González explains that “Cuban peasants, anyway”, the neighbors attacked the attacker, whom they “fell flat” with their machetes (with the flat part of the blade) and tied up with a rope until the police arrived.

In statements to Escambraythe president of the CPA reaffirms this version: “He had already injured several people and the decision had to be made to catch him at timpani [a cómo fuera], because we couldn’t allow him to continue stabbing people or even kill someone. We called the cowboys from the cooperative, they gave him a flat out to be able to neutralize him, everyone went up to him, they took his weapon and tied him up until the police arrived, who quickly went to the cooperative, transferred him and he was treated at the Provincial Hospital”, the Camilo Cienfuegos.

Along with the attacker, five wounded entered. One of the most serious, Odalys Manzano Molina, 57, had to be treated in intensive care due to blood loss caused by numerous injuries, including one that penetrated her abdominal cavity and another to her face. After undergoing maxillofacial surgery, this Tuesday she is stable, she published Escambray in a second note“but she remains hospitalized for transfer to orthopedics to continue relevant surgical treatment for tendon injuries,” in the words of Miguel Alexander Concepción López, head of the hospital center’s surgery services.

Another injured person who had to undergo surgery was Osmel Rodríguez Suárez, 74, with an “important” wound that penetrated the abdominal cavity and caused open trauma, as well as hypovolemic shock due to blood loss. Although he evolved favorably, he “had smaller wounds in other parts of the body and signs of bites on the front of the thorax and on the back.”

We called the cowboys from the cooperative, they gave him a plan to be able to neutralize him, everyone went up to him “

A third patient also underwent surgery, Maikel Quintana Cordero, 33, to whom the attacker injured his left hand “that affected all the flexor muscles.”

Elio Cruz Sánchez, 45, was also stable this Tuesday, with an open wound in the abdomen and another in the left buttock. “He is in good general condition, but remains hospitalized for being ileo-paralytic, maintaining slight abdominal distension and bloating or swelling in that same region,” the same doctor explained.

A fifth victim, Mireya García, with minor injuries, received sutures and was discharged six hours later. She also has the attacker discharged, who arrived beaten by the neighbors. “He remained isolated and guarded in observations to carry out all the corresponding examinations according to the symptoms that he manifested without determining significant injuries in any system of her body,” said the surgeon.


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