Home » today » News » Forgiveness of the Lehendakdari: Urkullu apologizes to the union leader injured in the protest at PCB and regrets this “unfortunate episode” | Radio Bilbao

Forgiveness of the Lehendakdari: Urkullu apologizes to the union leader injured in the protest at PCB and regrets this “unfortunate episode” | Radio Bilbao

The Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has apologized to CC.OO. and the union leader who was injured on Monday in a police action during protests at the PCB plant in Barakaldo and he has regretted this “unfortunate episode” that affects “a single person, an ertzaina”, for which he has valued the “proportionate” performance of the Ertzaintza, in general, in all its interventions.

In an appearance, he has referred, in this way, to what happened last Monday in the course of a mobilization in the vicinity of the Barakaldo PCB plant, where, as reported by CC.OO., he was injured by the police action from the Ertzaintza the secretary general of the Federation of Industry, Javi Gómez.

In relation to this issue, Urkullu has indicated that there are moments “of great tension” and in which the incidence of the coronavirus in all orders and particularly in this case, in the socio-labor sphere, also “has unfortunate episodes like this one that has lived”.

The Lehendakari has affirmed that, although they affect a single person, “an ertzaina” for whom, as he has pointed out, an internal investigation has been opened in the field of the Ertzaintza “as it cannot be otherwise in a democratic police such as which is “.

“This type of circumstance leads us to regret it and to apologize to the injured person and who represents the injured person, as I have done to the two general secretaries of CC.OO., both in the Spanish State and in Euskadi”, has added.

As indicated, this does not prevent the performance of the Ertzaintza from being assessed, in general, “in its fair terms”, which is “proportionate and measured” in all the actions in which it participates.

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