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Findings from the investigation may trap more in the London police

In March, the 33-year-old Sarah Everard abducted and killed when she was on her way home from a friend. The case received wide news coverage in the UK, and the news of police officer Wayne Couzens being behind sent shock waves through the country.

Two months earlier, he had patrolled the streets on so-called corona guards, enforcing infection control rules. When he saw Everard go home, he used this knowledge to accuse her of violating the coronary restrictions, and handcuffed the 33-year-old woman.

KILLED: Sarah Everard was killed by police officer Wayne Couzens. Photo: Metropolitan Police

Thursday was Couzens sentenced to life imprisonment, and the judge called his actions “grotesque”.

The former police officer is said to have been in a WhatsApp group with five other police officers who are now being investigated for aggravated assault, according to BBC.

Under investigation

London police are now facing a question of whether they missed a chance to stop Couzens before it was too late. The Guardian writes that the police accept that they may have had enough clues to identify him as a threat to women, before he killed Everard.

Five officials and a former officer are being investigated for exchanging messages in the WhatsApp group between March and October in 2019.

Three of them, including the former officer, are under investigation for exchanging messages of an indecent nature. The messages are said to have been misogynistic, racist and homophobic, sources told The Guardian.

The policeman convicted of murder is not one of them, but he was involved in sharing messages.

PROTEST: London police have received strong criticism after the murder.

PROTEST: London police have received strong criticism after the murder. Photo: Tolga Akmen

«Destructive» for the police

The murder of Sarah Everard created a great deal of involvement in Britain, leading to demands for increased rights and protection of women, as well as large demonstrations against the police.

On Wednesday, protesters appeared outside the courtroom to show their dissatisfaction with the police. They condemn the killing themselves, and Police Minister Kit Malthouse has stated that police officers across the country acknowledge the devastating consequences of the incident.

“There is a job to be done to rebuild trust from the police, especially in London, I must say,” he told the BBC.

These advices are given to Englishmen by the police

Secretary of the Interior, Priti Patel, has said that the handling raised serious questions. At the same time, Scotland Yard, which is the headquarters of the London police, has admitted that the case is part of a much bigger and worrying picture.

CONFIDENCE: The police commissioner met the press after Couzens received his verdict.

CONFIDENCE: The police commissioner met the press after Couzens received his verdict. Photo: David Parry

London Police Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick is being urged to resign due to the way the police have handled the case.

When Couzens received her sentence, Dick said she would make sure to give some lessons.

“A valuable bond of trust is damaged,” Dick said BBC.

As part of rebuilding trust, and to ease fears in the British capital, London police will build up security patrols. At the same time, 650 new police officers will patrol the busiest public places in the city.

In addition, London police recommend that Englishmen ask applicants questions if they are stopped by a lone policeman: “Where are your colleagues?” and “Why are you here?”.

To confirm the answers, the English must ask if they can talk to an operator over the police tape.

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