Home » today » Business » Federal Government Invests Extra 100 Million Euros in Security: New Helicopters, Improved Camera Network, and More at Brussels South Station

Federal Government Invests Extra 100 Million Euros in Security: New Helicopters, Improved Camera Network, and More at Brussels South Station

The federal government is investing an extra 100 million euros in security. The money will go, among other things, to the purchase of new helicopters, improving the camera network and a police post at Brussels South station, where there is a lot of nuisance. The infrastructure of the emergency centers is also being renovated.

The police unions have been asking for additional resources for some time, but are only moderately satisfied. “We are pleased that efforts are being made, but at most this is an investment that should have been made years ago,” says Joery Dehaes of the Christian ACV. “In our opinion, there is an initial need for many more staff. More needs to be invested in this.”

2023-10-10 19:41:00
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