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Evolutionary Theory Controversy That Made Darwin Wait 20 Years to Publish

KOMPAS.comEvolution theory considered controversial by some, even though more than half a century had passed, after Charles Darwin propose this.

Much evidence from the fossil record, genetics and other fields of science has also supported the British scientist’s theory. But some politicians and religious leaders have denounced the theory.

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Those who oppose theory of evolution argues that the existence of living things is very complex (especially humans), so it cannot be explained by humans themselves.

While scientists generally do not see the controversy of the theory of evolution. The reason is that evolution is well supported by many examples of changes in various species, which led to the diversity of life seen today.

“Natural selection, or in other words – variation, heredity, and fitness differences – is a core theory of modern biology,” explains Dr P John D Lambshead, retired science research leader in marine biodiversity, ecology, and evolution at The Natural History Museum, London, told All About History Magazine as reported Live Science.

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So, if evolution is well established in the scientific community like the theory of gravity, Why is the theory of evolution considered controversial? and still debated?

The answer lies in large part in the theological implications of evolutionary thought.

By its opponents, the Darwinian view of life, the brutal struggle (selection of nature) and constant change, is at odds with the story of creation in scripture and the concept of God, who actively and lovingly intervenes in human life.

For decades, this fundamental focus on the theory of evolution has fueled debate over the limitations of teaching the theory of evolution in public schools.

This battle has receded in recent years, but has not been completely extinguished.

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Ironically, outside the education system, most opponents of the theory of evolution spread their views wildly. This wrong understanding of the theory of evolution, unfortunately, is socially and politically dangerous.

For example, some social conservatives claim that the theory of evolution serves to strengthen broader arguments that justify practices they vehemently oppose, such as abortion and euthanasia.

Opponents of the theory of evolution also claim Darwin’s views played a role in arguments in favor of transhumanism, and other attempts to increase human abilities and prolong human life.

Darwin waited 20 years

Charles Darwin himself in formulating his theory of evolution by natural selection, did not intend to create public controversy.

In fact, his concern about how his ideas would be accepted by the wider public made him wait more than 20 years to publish them.

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Darwin probably never would have done it if another English naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace, in 1858 had independently put forward a very similar theory.

At that time, Darwin, who had shared his conclusions with a small number of fellow scientists, finally revealed the old ideas of evolution and natural selection to a wider audience.

Darwin built his theory on four basic premises. First, according to him, each animal is not an exact replica of its parent, but different even though it is almost imperceptibly visible.

Second, he said, although these differences in each generation are random, some of them provide different advantages to living things, giving them a much greater chance of survival and reproduction.

Over time, these favorable variations spread to other species, as those with an advantage were more likely than those without it to survive and reproduce.

And, finally, over a longer period of time, cumulative change produces new species, all of which share a common ancestor.

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In November 1859, Darwin published “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection”, which described his theory in detail.

The book immediately became a bestseller and, as Darwin feared, sparked a storm of controversy in his native England.

While many scientists defended Darwin, religious leaders and others immediately rejected his theory, not only because it directly contradicts the biblical account of creation, but also because – on a broader level – it implies that life has evolved due to natural processes, not natural processes. as the Creator.

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