Home » today » World » Evening part of the coronavirus in Argentina | Chronicle

Evening part of the coronavirus in Argentina | Chronicle

This Sunday 2,189 new cases of COVID-19. With these records, they add 59,933 positives in the country.

Of the total of these cases, 1,063 (1.8%) are imported, 21,599 (36%) are close contacts of confirmed cases, 25,600 (42.7%) are cases of community circulation and the rest are under epidemiological investigation.

Since the last report issued, 16 new deaths were recorded. 8 men, four of 63, 94, 78 and 75, residing in the province of Buenos Aires; four of 92, 87, 63 and 73 years, residents in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA); and 8 women, one 90 years old, resident in the province of Buenos Aires; seven of 91, 85, 98, 82, 77, 95 and 69 years, residents in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA). At the moment the number of deceased is 1,232.

A deceased, 89-year-old man, resident in the province of Río Negro, associated with Covid-19, was released on the day of the date, as his death was associated with another event.

Detail by province (Nº confirmed | Nº accumulated) *:
Buenos Aires 1225 | 28,986
City of Buenos Aires 852 | 25,415
Catamarca 0 | 0
Chaco 47 | 1.930
Chubu. 5 | 119
Córdoba 5 | 635
Currents 0 | 115
Entre Ríos 24 | 273
Formosa** 0 | 70
Jujuy 0 | 75
La Pampa 0 | 7
La Rioja 0 | 76
Mendoza 6 | 167
Missions 0 | 39
Neuquén 12 | 443
Río Negro 6 | 825
Skip 0 | 27
San Juan 0 | 8
San Luis 0 | eleven
Santa Cruz 0 | 51
Santa Fe 6 | 417
Santiago del Estero 1 | 2. 3
Tierra del Fuego *** 0 | 149
Tucumán 0 | 72

* Those confirmed cases that are not notified by residence, were counted by province of loading.

** A case from the province of Formosa, was reclassified by place of residence to the province of Buenos Aires.

*** 13 cases are included in the Falkland Islands according to press information (due to the illegal occupation of the United Kingdom, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, it is not possible to have own information on the impact of COVID -19 in that part of the Argentine territory).

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