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Estrogen for Menopause: Benefits, Myths, and Critical Timing

Most women will experience menopausal discomfort when they enter menopause, including clear symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. There are also many symptoms that women do not think are related to menopause. For example, if you have heart palpitations, you will see a cardiologist; if you have muscle or joint pain, you will see a cardiologist. See a rheumatologist; if you have insomnia, you will go to a sleep disorder clinic; if you are depressed, you will seek psychological counseling or a psychiatrist; if your waistline becomes thicker, you will go to a weight loss clinic… But these symptoms may actually be related to menopause. Taking the right estrogen at the right time can relieve menopausal symptoms.

To this day, the consensus in the medical community is still: “Estrogen is the most effective way to treat women’s menopausal symptoms.” However, over the past 30 years, due to various factors such as misunderstandings about hormonal therapy, women’s health and menopause have been compromised. The quality of life is seriously damaged, not to mention that in addition to menopausal symptoms, women also have significantly higher health risks of heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis as they stop menstruating. Hormone therapy is actually beneficial in reducing these risks. , and extend women’s life span.

Oncologist Dr. Blooming, MD, personally reveals the ins and outs of “hormone panic”. Rigorous argumentation based on existing medical evidence will help you fully understand the benefits and risks of estrogen in treating menopausal symptoms. In particular, many people have the misconception that “menopausal women receiving hormonal therapy will cause breast cancer.” However, in fact, as early as the early 1990s, 50 years of evidence have been accumulated around the world, showing that estrogen can successfully suppress most cancers. Menopausal symptoms in women.

Estrogen is not the main cause of breast cancer

If estrogen is the main cause of breast cancer, the incidence of breast cancer should decrease after menopause, because estrogen will naturally decrease at this time, but in fact, the incidence of breast cancer increases in women after menopause.

In contrast, estrogen is beneficial in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer: Studies have shown that high doses of estrogen can effectively treat metastatic breast cancer. In addition, women diagnosed with breast cancer during hormone replacement therapy or estrogen replacement therapy have a better prognosis than without. Patients who undergo this type of therapy are better off.

Estrogen also has 6 major health benefits

Here are 6 major health benefits of estrogen:

1. Estrogen is good for heart health:

For women who have been taking hormones since early menopause, estrogen replacement or hormone replacement therapy can have positive effects on the heart because estrogen promotes healthy blood vessels and may help slow plaque formation.

2. Estrogen is good for blood vessel health:

Estrogen reduces the amount of vasotocin (which narrows blood vessels) and increases the amount of vasodilator (which dilates blood vessels); increases blood flow to the brain; and inhibits inflammatory substances associated with the early stages of atherosclerosis.

3. Estrogen is beneficial in preventing osteoporosis:

Estrogen replacement therapy or hormone replacement therapy is currently the intervention method with the least side effects and the best effect in preventing or reducing the development of osteoporosis. Studies have repeatedly proven that it can reduce the risk of osteoporosis by 30% to 50%. Risk of severely disabling complications (i.e. hip fracture).

Estrogen can stimulate nerve cell growth, regenerate axons, and reduce nerve cell death caused by Alzheimer’s disease.

4. Estrogen is beneficial in delaying dementia:

Estrogen can stimulate nerve cell growth, regenerate axons, and reduce nerve cell death caused by Alzheimer’s disease. It makes brain cells more sensitive to the effects of nerve growth factor and reduces the production of Alzheimer’s-related substances, such as beta-amyloid and beta-amyloid proteins.

5. Estrogen benefits neuron health:

Estrogen enhances the ability of neurons to survive various physiological insults, such as disease and brain injury.

6. Estrogen is beneficial in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer:

Women who take estrogen replacement therapy or any type of hormone replacement therapy have a significantly lower risk of developing colorectal cancer.

There is a critical time to supplement estrogen

There is a critical time for the use of estrogen, known as the “window of opportunity.” It is roughly defined as the ten years after a woman’s last menstrual period. Hormone replacement therapy is “started” during that period to bring about the best benefits. If you start hormone replacement therapy ten years after menopause, the risk may be slightly higher, such as cardiovascular problems, especially if you already have atherosclerosis problems before taking estrogen, then hormone therapy may increase the risk. Further blocking of already narrowed arteries.

Another example is that the key to estrogen protecting the brain and preventing dementia in women is to “seamlessly” extend the time the brain receives estrogen. If you have been through menopause for more than ten years, the nerve cells in your brain have already been damaged. Hormone therapy may not help.

This article is from Persimmon Culture’s “Estrogen is Important!” : Seize the key 10 years, improve menopausal discomfort, and stay away from breast cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis and dementia.”

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2024-02-15 02:36:33

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