Home » today » News » Elena Yoncheva: Hamas terrorism is a threat to Europe as well – 2024-05-10 05:18:10

Elena Yoncheva: Hamas terrorism is a threat to Europe as well – 2024-05-10 05:18:10

/ world today news/ The destabilization in the Middle East caused by Hamas terrorists will also have an impact in Europe. This should not be allowed. Terrorism is a threat to the whole world. If not stopped now, it threatens not only the Middle East. This was commented by Elena Yoncheva, MEP from the group of Socialists and Democrats, after returning from a visit to Israel. She is the Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Israel and, along with her colleagues, this week saw first-hand the consequences and heard first-hand accounts of the horror of the October 7 Hamas attack.

Elena Yoncheva, who is so far the only Bulgarian politician who went to the place, had numerous meetings with witnesses of the atrocities, as well as with military and service representatives from Israel, politicians, mayors, ordinary citizens, including Israelis of Bulgarian origin. Some of them have relatives who have disappeared, kidnapped by the terrorists. So far, there is no confirmation that there are Bulgarian citizens among them.

The attack by Hamas, which is listed as a terrorist organization by the EU, is considered one of the bloodiest in Israel’s history. For the first time in the existence of the state, there has been such a large-scale attack directed specifically against civilians and in an unprecedentedly brutal manner. In total, over 1,400 people were killed, and over 220 were kidnapped as hostages in the Gaza Strip. People of Bulgarian origin recall the Batash massacre – comparable in cruelty and atrocity against mothers, children, pregnant women.

Kibbutz Beeri is in a settlement of about 1,000 inhabitants in the middle of the Negev desert, where most of the people were engaged in agriculture. It was founded in 1946, two years before the official beginning of the State of Israel. In a kibbutz, people tended huge gardens. The place was mostly populated by people who voted for the left.

On October 7, nearly 10 percent of its population was massacred and a large portion taken hostage. According to survivors’ accounts and some surviving security camera footage, several hundred Hamas terrorists attacked Kibbutz Beeri. At the site, there are still evidences of horrific massacres, abandoned and burned homes with children’s toys strewn across the yard. Stories of slaughtered, raped and decapitated children and women.

The EU delegation also visited other kibbutzim destroyed by Hamas, as well as the Shura military base, and met with the mayor of Sderot. Almost 90% of the population of the 350,000-strong city has left. More than 200 of those killed in the Hamas attack were at the youth music festival held near Kibbutz Reim. Many have been kidnapped. Among the missing are citizens of more than 20 countries – USA, Great Britain, Russia, Thailand, China, Germany, Italy, Romania, etc.

No one can remain indifferent to the sights and stories. Even the definition “atrocities” is small for what happened, commented Elena Yoncheva. The cruelty was premeditated, she said. The terrorists had GoПро cameras and the footage from them, as well as from mobile phones and from security cameras in populated areas, the footage is such that it can hardly be recounted. From the written evidence found, it is clear that the assailants were instructed to carry out the murders in a brutal manner.

We were all shocked by the scale and cruelty of the terrorists. It is difficult to identify the bodies of the children and women. This is a second Holocaust for us, commented IDF (Israel Defense Forces) spokesman Col. Reuven Ben-Shalom.

This is a carefully and long-planned operation by Hamas. They disabled the electronic system on the barrier facility, destroyed the surveillance system with drones. If we fail to destroy Hamas, our country is in danger. They will also start operating in Europe, he said.

Col. Ben-Shalom explained that Israel is currently destroying only the infrastructure and logistics used by Hamas and the Islamic State in Gaza. To destroy the terrorists, we need to start a ground operation – they are hiding in the tunnels, said Col. Ben-Shalom. Yes, Israel will lose soldiers, but society understands that this is a sacrifice that must be made, he said.

As the services in Israel try to locate the hostages in the Gaza Strip, their relatives fear that the ground operation will endanger their lives.

When an operation is conducted to destroy Hamas terrorists, casualties are unfortunately inevitable. Our task is to be as precise as possible and preserve the lives of the civilian population in Gaza, said Yuli Edelstein, chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. It is not a question of revenge for October 7, but of guaranteeing the security of Israel. This is an unprecedented barbaric attack, he explained.

Our task now is to eliminate Hamas, and then a political discussion will begin as to who is to blame for the unprecedented security breach. The Palestinians in Gaza are not responsible for the actions of “Hamas”, in fact they are hostages of this terrorist organization, Yuli Edelstein also commented.

Analyzes will still be made in Israel as to why the services allowed themselves to be taken by surprise – the breakthroughs were at the same time at 40 points along the border of the Gaza Strip. In order to guard an Israeli settlement in the West Bank, military units from the southern part of the country were deployed there.

Most likely, the terrorist act of “Hamas” will also have an internal political impact. It is possible that the analyzes will lead to the end of the participation of Benjamin Netanyahu’s party in power within a few months.

The horror and killings of October 7 may prompt a desire to engage in the politics of relatives of the dead to find a long-term solution to the conflict. One of the most influential businessmen in Israel – Eyal Waldman, the founder of the technology company MellanoxTechnologies, lost his 24-year-old daughter Daniele and her friend, who were killed during the music festival. He is among the people who could change the political situation in Israel.

We must start the political dialogue with the Palestinians that will lead to the creation of a Palestinian state. Israel must withdraw from the West Bank. Let’s start investing in education and the economy in order to create the necessary bridges that will connect Israelis and Palestinians in the future, he said during his meeting with Elena Yoncheva and the other MEPs.

In a conversation with the Speaker of the Knesset, Amir Ohana, Elena Yoncheva commented – “Your goal is to eliminate Hamas, but they are not only a radical group, but an ideology that can hardly be destroyed with weapons.” A political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue must be found.”

Destroying Hamas and the Islamic State is a very complex and ambitious task, but we will use all our power to stop them. A dialogue will then begin in Israeli society. We have to find a way to live together and not kill each other, he said.

Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been prime minister, on and off, for more than 15 years, this time rules in a far-right, orthodox coalition. For months, she has been under public pressure because of the prime minister’s intention to push through reforms in the judicial system. It is suspected that his aim is to end investigations against himself related to allegations of corruption. After the Hamas attack on October 7 in Tel Aviv, the so-called crisis government, which also included representatives of the opposition.

If measures are not taken now against the terrorism of Hamas, the existence of the State of Israel is under threat. The danger will increase with the eventual inclusion of Hezbollah and other terrorist groups such as Islamic Jihad. Among them there is already talk of an “Axis of Resistance”. On Wednesday night alone, over 80 rockets were fired at Tel Aviv.

“Hamas” has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007, but there are huge doubts that after the possible destruction of this group, its competitor “Fatah” will be able to manage this territory, commented Elena Yoncheva. She also recalled the fears that in case of full-scale Israeli operations, the Lebanese “Hezbollah” will open new fronts in support of “Hamas”.

We must be aware of the humanitarian situation in the Palestinian enclave, where 2.4 million people live. Nothing can justify the barbaric attack by Hamas terrorists, but the lives of both Israelis and Palestinians are precious. A solution must be found for humanitarian corridors in Gaza to help the civilian population, Elena Yoncheva also said.

The EU recognizes Israel’s right to self-defense under international law. We insist on distinguishing between the Palestinian people and their legitimate aspirations, on the one hand, and the terrorist organization “Hamas” and its terrorist acts, on the other – this is the position of the European Parliament from last week, she recalled. The resolution reiterated support for the negotiated solution of two states based on the 1967 lines living side by side in peace and guaranteed security.

Terror is used to instill terror to achieve certain political goals. This is a methodology for influencing decision-making, commented Elena Yoncheva. According to her, there must be stability in the entire region and the safety of Jews, Muslims and Christians who live there must be guaranteed.

The terrorist attack comes at a time when Israel was discussing signing an agreement with Saudi Arabia – following the so-called Abrahamic covenants. Israel’s first bilateral treaties with the United Arab Emirates and with Bahrain were concluded in 2020 at the initiative of the US under Republican President Donald Trump. Their goal is to formalize diplomatic relations between Israel and the Arab states. Tel Aviv is committed to stopping the annexation of the West Bank. The agreements are not recognized by Hamas and the Palestinians. Palestinians in the West Bank demand the creation of their own state, and Hamas seeks to destroy Israel.

To contact the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the EP:

Texts under pictures:

1. Elena Yoncheva during the visit to Israel

2. MEPs saw evidence of horrific attacks in kibbutzim in southern Israel

3. Abandoned toys and shoes can still be seen in the destroyed kindergarten. On Saturday, mothers and children sought protection here, but they were not spared.

4. A drawing and a shoe show that in this completely destroyed place, small children hid

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