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Drama: pony frightens and rides with women in canal Alkmaar -…

A sad accident Monday morning at the Omval-Kolhorn canal. The four-year-old pony Unox of the Spaansen family pulled a cart with two young women on the dike when he was startled and suddenly ran into the water. Unox immediately went under and did not survive the action.

“He has gone into shock. And if a horse goes into shock, it happens immediately, “says Johan Spaansen, the owner of the pony. “Those girls fought for his life and they are completely devastated. It is a traumatic experience. I hope they can get some sleep tonight. “


The drama took place near the roundabout at the Verlaat. While the pony entered the water, the cart was left on the side. One of the women was launched into the water over the pony. The other could remain in the cart. She called 112 and also jumped into the water.

“The first thing they did was free the pony from the cart so that he could get his head out of the water again. That worked, but it was already too late, “says Spaansen. “I think he died almost immediately.”

A tractor is turned on to stow the cart and the pony.

The Heerhugowaard and Langedijk fire brigades had been pulled out in hopes of saving the beast. But all they could do was take Unox out of the water in a respectful way. In addition, the fire brigade also fished the mobile phone of one of the women out of the water.

Johan Spaansen has no idea what shocked his pony. “That could have been anything.” “Unox was the pony of his sons.

“We had it for about two years. The boys drove it. A perfect beast. Very sweet and easy. The boys were crazy about it. What kind of race was it? No idea. Just a brown pony. I think a trash can, or is that not possible with horses. Yes, it is more my wife’s hobby. I don’t know much about it. “

Spanish people know that horses in this kind of panic situations give up. “Then there is no saving. So even if the fire brigade was there with two minutes, it was still in vain. You are always late. “”


The women who drove the cart also have a horse with the Spanish family.

Spaansen: ,, Because of the corona measures they cannot go to work now. So they come riding with us much more often now. Of course they sat in with us for a while to get a story. They were very cold and completely exhausted. I think it’s really cool what they did. There was nothing they could do about this. This is just really bad luck. “

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