Home » today » News » Dozens of protesters arrested in NYC during protest calling for action against climate change – Telemundo New York (47)

Dozens of protesters arrested in NYC during protest calling for action against climate change – Telemundo New York (47)

NEW YORK – The New York City Police arrested about 45 protesters Monday morning during a protest against climate change. The arrests came because people blocked several lanes of traffic on the FDR and West Side Highway during rush hour.

The protesters, who were part of the Sunrise Movement and Extinction Rebellion, came to the busy streets of the city to ask President Biden for immediate action by the federal government on the problem of climate change.

The groups want to prevent Congress from reducing climate initiatives that were in the Democrats’ plan called Build Back Better, the same plan that Biden is promoting during his visit Monday to New Jersey.

“Biden promised to cut emissions in half by 2030 and now the legislation that can make it happen, everything that is pending on the future of life on the planet, is pending on what happens in Congress and that has been negotiated” said protester Ana Cordeiro.

Talks between lawmakers have lowered the bill’s original $ 3.5 trillion price tag, which is currently approaching $ 2 trillion as negotiations continue.

The Associated Press reported last week that Biden continues to fight for $ 500 billion in tax credits, grants and loans to combat climate change. These credits include tax exemptions for energy producers who achieve emission reduction goals.

Two protests were held in New York City with hundreds of supporters that came to the attention of the president and lawmakers in Washington. Several dozen people were chained together, while a handful lay down in the middle of the traffic.

The groups spread out on opposite sides of the island successfully blocked entire directions of traffic for about an hour.

Police arrested 13 protesters at the FDR and another 32 protesters on the West Side Highway. Both protests cleared and most of the traffic resumed at 11 a.m. Monday.


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