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Does Eating Soy Cause Breast Cancer?


Breast cancer one of which is triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle. The consumption of certain foods is associated with a naturally high risk of breast cancer. How about eating soy?

There are studies showing that lifestyle affects cancer risk. Although many factors cause breast cancer, food also contributes and plays a role in the risk of developing breast cancer.

In this case, eating a healthy diet is an important way to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Overweight and obesity can increase the risk of breast cancer.


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It is important that you know your eating and drinking habits to avoid the risk of breast cancer. Summarizing huffpost.com (11/10), here’s the explanation.

1. A suitable diet to reduce the risk of breast cancer

Dr. Eleonora Teplinsky also noted that there are several types of diets that are considered best suited to help reduce the growth of cancer cells. These diets include a diet that focuses more on plant foods and the Mediterranean diet. Photo: Getty Images

Many studies have provided evidence that being overweight or obese can lead to an increased risk of breast cancer.

Therefore, Dr. Polly Niravath, a certified oncologist from the Houston Methodist Neal Cancer Center, recommends several healthy diets, such as lean protein foods, fruits, and vegetables, to avoid sugary foods.

Dr. Eleonora Teplinsky also noted that there are several types of diets that are considered best suited to help reduce the growth of cancer cells. These diets include a diet that focuses more on plant foods and the Mediterranean diet.

Both diets were able to reduce the growth of cancer cells through their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative properties. They can also reduce DNA damage, leading to a reduced risk of cancer.

According to Dr. Thomas Starck, chief medical officer of Faeth Therapeutics, revealed that increased estrogen and insulin production has also been associated with the development of breast cancer.

For this, it is necessary to apply a diet that contains foods that can lower hormone levels. One of these is the Mediterranean diet.

The Mediterranean diet itself is a diet that includes healthy sources of lean animal protein such as skinless chicken and fish.

Dr. Strack recommends increasing the consumption of high-fiber foods, foods that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids such as fish oil, fruits and vegetables, to reduce the hormones estrogen and insulin and the factors that cause chronic inflammation.

2. Overly charred food triggers the risk of cancer

Does Eating Soy Cause Breast Cancer?Experts say that how to cook food can also be harmful to health. Niravath said: “Burnt food makes it carcinogenic.” Photo: Getty Images

Experts say that how to cook food can also be harmful to health. Niravath said: “Burnt food makes it carcinogenic.”

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, charred meat, chicken or fish can lead to the formation of heterocyclic amines. Another name is HCA which has been shown to have the potential to cause cancer.

Therefore, from now on, pay attention to how to cook. Avoid frying or grilling food until it is too charred. It is best to cook it over low heat slowly.

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