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Does Black Coffee Plus Lemon Really Burn Fat?

The combination of black coffee-lemon is believed to help burn fat, lose weight.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Lemon and black coffee are known as healthy intakes. Some people believe that the combination of lemon and black coffee can promote fat burning.

No wonder the dish of black coffee and lemon became popular on social media. Is this claim true?

Separately, consumption of black and white coffee lemon juice known to be associated with weight loss. Both drinks have also been linked to a stronger immune system, better metabolism, feelings of fullness and improved nervous system function.

Since both appear to be effective in weight loss, some people assume that the combination of black coffee and lemon can provide better weight loss results. However, nutritionists disagree with this opinion.

“Lemon juice in coffee is a temporary trend that has no scientific validity,” said Shalini Arvind, Chief Dietician for Fortis Hospitals. Times Now News, Saturday.

Arvind said weight gain or fat gain occurred gradually over a short period of time. However, many people hope to achieve significant weight loss and fat reduction just by following trends in a short period of time.

Ironically, often the trends that are followed are not recommended by nutritionists. In the case of coffee, for example, some people think of coffee as a “magic drink” that can lose weight instantly. As a result, they increase their coffee consumption to a limit that is not recommended.

“They ignore the safe limit (consumption) daily 300 mg of caffeine (per day),” explained Arvind.

Coffee is a diuretic drink. Excessive coffee consumption can trigger dehydration, dizziness, and headaches. Getting too much caffeine intake can also cause problems with calcium and iron absorption.

On the other hand, consuming the recommended amount of lemon is indeed healthy. However, consuming excess lemon juice in the hope of losing weight instantly can be dangerous. The risk of this danger comes from the acidity level of lemon juice.

“When (lemon juice) is combined with caffeine, there is no added benefit (for weight loss),” said Arvind.

Weight loss should be done in a healthy and sustainable way. Arvind’s recommended weight loss method is a calorie deficit combined with regular exercise and supervised by a nutritionist.

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