Home » today » World » Sudden death of a student shocks the UCI in Havana – 2024-05-09 18:01:44

Sudden death of a student shocks the UCI in Havana – 2024-05-09 18:01:44

The sudden death of a student has caused a stir among the community of the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) in Havana, Cuba.

Through social networks, the official page of the institution announced the death and published a farewell message for the young man, identified as Héctor Manuel Mendoza Zamora.

According to what was announced by the school and students, Mendoza, originally from Bayamo, in the province of Granma, was close to graduating, which is why many considered his death at this time especially regrettable.

The young man was studying the fifth year of Computer Science Engineering at Faculty 1 of the aforementioned institution.

“The news of his departure has surprised us all, leaving us with a deep feeling of sadness and dismay. His absence leaves an irreplaceable void in our community,” stated the institution’s official statement on its Facebook profile.

On the same social network, several joined in the comments and other publications in lamenting his departure, emphasizing the sudden nature of the death. The Ministry of Education also joined.

Comment about MINED student.

Although the causes of death were not specified, a chronic illness was ruled out due to the unforeseen nature of the event. The school, as well as several users, sent their condolences to the young man’s friends and family.

The young man’s own classmates and teachers also expressed their condolences and farewells to the young man, who is about to graduate.

“Very sad. Rest in peace. Much strength to family and friends. It was a pleasure to have been your teacher”; “Rest in peace my child. It was a pleasure to meet you and be your main teacher. Fly high”, “There will never be anything or anyone in this world that hurts me more than your departure. More than my friend, my brother. I’m going to miss you a lot more now. I love you a lot my life. “You left me with a huge void and a broken heart,” were some of the personal messages from his acquaintances on the social network.

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