Home » today » Health » do you have any questions about the Calais hospital? We will answer it on Monday

do you have any questions about the Calais hospital? We will answer it on Monday

Dfor a year, the Calais hospital has been living to the rhythm of the Covid crisis, and behind the walls, men and women are fighting every day against this epidemic. Even though Nord Littoral has produced numerous reports on the subject, there are still unanswered questions and points you are still wondering about.

Moreover, contrary to what one might think, Covid is not the only news from Calais hospital.

Do you have questions about the Covid crisis, concerns, doubts? Heard that… but you are not sure?

Nord Littoral organizes a Live on Facebook page Monday March 22 at 2:30 p.m.. You will be able to ask your questions live. Caroline Hennion, director of the Calais hospital, and Rémy Dumont, emergency physician and president of the Establishment Medical Commission, will answer them..

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Saturated resuscitation and caregivers stopped: Calais hospital explodes

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