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Diet, the best of the week from 1 to 7 February

Know the foods we bring to the table and their beneficial properties is very important to adopt a correct diet: this is, in fact, the best way to stay healthy and be able to lose a few pounds without too much effort. But what are the expert suggestions to face this season?

During the winter, it is important to fill up with macronutrienti to give our body everything it needs to work at its best. It is also good to focus on boosting our immune system: did you know that most of it is concentrated in the intestine? For this reason, fibers are essential. THE artichokes, for example, they are particularly rich in it. As the Dr. Giusy June, a nutrition biologist in Florence, these vegetables contain significant amounts of inulin, a soluble fiber that acts as a probiotic.

In addition to aiding digestion ea promote intestinal transit, this substance stimulates the proliferation of good bacteria, which nourish the intestinal bacterial flora and strengthen our immune defenses. The fibers are also very useful for those who want to lose weight: they help to increase the sense of satiety and to reduce the absorption of sugars, while helping to deflate the belly.

Fibers are also present in mushrooms, a food highly appreciated for its versatility in the kitchen. There are many varieties, and among the edible ones there are different flavors and textures. Their consumption stimulates intestinal peristalsis, fighting constipation; however it is good to be careful in case of digestive problems and kidney pathologies: do not hesitate to consult your doctor before introducing them in your diet.

Mushrooms also proved useful in protect the prostate. A recent Japanese study published onInternational Journal of Cancer, after taking into consideration almost 36,500 men aged between 40 and 79 for a considerable period of time, highlighted how their recruitment is linked to a reduction in risk of prostate cancer, especially as we age.

Finally, remember that the day of is getting closer and closer Valentine’s day: if you have not yet thought about what to bring to the table for this special occasion, we can suggest one perfect diet to win over your sweetheart, with aphrodisiac foods to warm up the evening. To suggest which foods possess this characteristic is the Coldiretti, which has analyzed some delicacies from our lands.

If we all know the aphrodisiac properties of chocolate and chilli, we discover with great curiosity how other foods can also ignite our senses. Pistachios, for example, contain arginine which improves male performance, while the wild fennel affects female sex hormones. Saffron, on the other hand, improves peripheral circulation and increases the sensitivity of the mucous membranes.

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