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Dealing with Chin Hair: A Personal Experience and Solutions for Women

Read: suddenly hairs grow on my chin. And by that I don’t mean soft down fur, like I have in the valley of my lower back or along my cheeks. No, these are hard, black ones. There are few of them but they are stiff, pubic hair is nothing. It has, when I run my index finger along it, the structure of a doormat. Feeling with your finger has the same sensation as running your tongue over a small swelling or scar in your mouth. If you feel with the tongue, it takes on gigantic shapes while it is barely visible with the naked eye. The same goes for the chin hairs: they are black whoppers when I spot them in the magnifying glass in the bathroom, and I don’t like them at all. At first the daughters laughed at me a little. “You are really exaggerating mom, you don’t see anything at all.” Admittedly, compared to a bosom that increases in volume every quarter and feet that grow a shoe size a month, it is indeed a small suffering. Yet the hair literally won’t let go of me: it’s tough and impossible to eradicate stuff. When the beautician waxes my face, the blond fuzzy hairs keep quiet for at least six weeks. The rough chin-mat only needs half a day to recuperate, it seems.

“Are you munching again?” asked a colleague with whom I recently had an online meeting. I was unconsciously feeling along my chin edge, which spine was where the head was. Her husband is a dermatologist, so the colleague told an extensive story about a decrease in estrogen and an increase in testosterone. “It’s quite normal.” Something about hormones and menopause.

“I don’t need any more of that manly stuff,” I cried disillusionedly. “As a single mother, I appeal often enough to my so-called masculine, active side, I don’t need another scoop of testosterone. I am both father and mother, must make every decision and arrange action.” “Eh”, doubted the colleague who had no idea how to respond to my complaint. She was sensible and said nothing. I quickly added: “A portion of cuddle hormone and some estrogen would soften things up a bit. Physically too, I hope. I prefer down to thorns.”

Extra chin hair is three times nothing compared to braces, getting your ear pierced, having your period and other teenage girl dramas that live in this women’s family. It is sometimes a bit much, so last weekend we went into town. The daughters wanted to go shopping, not really my favorite thing to do. So I drank the best coffee in Deventer at the ice cream parlor while they dived into the shops where I can only sigh. When they returned, they proudly showed off their loot: Puck had bought a make-up bag, Charlie a new phone case. “Oh mama, I also saw something that is typical for you”, said Puck.

2023-08-12 05:07:34
#chin #hair #grow #beard #sudden

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