Home » today » News » Cuban parents in Florida ask for help for their baby diagnosed with cancer

Cuban parents in Florida ask for help for their baby diagnosed with cancer

A young Cuban couple residing in Florida is facing a difficult situation, as their baby, only one year old, was diagnosed with cancer. Now, both have requested the support of the community, starting a campaign on the platform GoFundMe.

The minor’s father, identified as Alejandro Casavielles Gómez, indicated that he and his wife Luidmila are doing everything possible to raise $30,000 to cover the costs of the medical treatment that little Alejandro Jr. needs.

“Unfortunately, our little Alejandro has been diagnosed with cancer. At such a young age, he faces a battle that no child should ever experience. This news has deeply moved our family and friends. The emotional cost is beyond all comprehension, but we are determined to do everything possible to provide our son with the best fighting conditions,” he reads in the campaign.

So far, almost $24,000 has been raised with the help of 345 people, and if the goal is met, the money will be used to pay for the hospital stay and the specialized care that the minor needs to recover.

“These funds will help us pay for Alejandro’s medical bills, which include ongoing treatments, hospital stays and specialized care necessary for his recovery.”

The campaign points out that the couple needs this help, since their loved ones are in the Greater Antilles.

“It will also help us provide a better quality of life for our son during this process and, above all, it will show us that we are not alone because we will discover a community of people who accompany us in this fight, while we are away from our close family, who “He lives in Cuba.”

While the country has the resources and technology to carry out treatments that other nations cannot do, the health system in the United States is known as one of the most expensive in the world, something that was recognized by the father.

“Your contributions will allow us to focus on what matters most: being there for our son and ensuring he receives the best care possible without the overwhelming worry of financial problems that situations like this could trigger.”

Finally, the young man promised to keep the community informed about little Alejandro’s health, all while thanking in advance the generosity of those who decided to help.

“We will keep you all updated on Alejandro’s progress. “We will be eternally grateful for his kindness and generosity,” he concluded.

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