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CÔTE-D’OR: Video greetings from François Sauvadet

The president of the departmental council of Côte-d’Or has chosen the video format to broadcast his institutional wishes this Thursday, January 21.

“The health crisis is here, but we will come out of it, all together”. By taking the floor on Thursday January 21, 2021 for video greetings in a television studio setting, the president of the Côte-d’Or departmental council François Sauvadet (UDI) intends to deliver “a message of courage, of hope and unity ”to the inhabitants of Côte-d’Or as the Covid-19 epidemic continues to mourn families.

Among the main points of his speech, the president makes a quick assessment of the action of the community in 2020 in terms of reaction to the health crisis: distribution of 4 million masks and vote for a support and solidarity plan of 24 million euros intended for residents. For 2021, François Sauvadet emphasizes vaccination: “I have confidence in technical progress when it is put at the service of the common good and territorial balance”.

On a more political level, the elected centrist defends the departmental level, “essential to bring our help to the most vulnerable and fight against fractures”. Recognizing “very lively discussions with the mayor of Dijon”, François Sauvadet proclaims “I love Dijon”.

The President of the Department renews his wish for a Lino with two times two lanes “the only viable solution to the recurring traffic jam problems, which have lasted too long” (read the press release) in a context where the prefecture of the Côte-d’Or has chosen a “short-term” development of the Ahuy roundabout by the end of 2022 (read the press release).


Video speech by François Sauvadet

Speech by François Sauvadet of January 21, 2021:

Dear Côte-d’Oriennes,

Dear Côte-d’Oriens,

The health crisis is here, but we will come out of it, all together.

That is why the message I want to send you is a message of courage, hope and unity.

The year 2020 is now behind us: it will have made history with an unprecedented health situation that we have known since last spring.

To protect our elders and the most vulnerable, we have stepped up solidarity actions throughout the Department and I would like to thank all our departmental agents, because they have shown courage and responsibilities.

You have respected the protective gestures, to face the resumption of the pandemic.

We must continue to mobilize all energies and I would like to pay tribute to all the caregivers who, since the start of the crisis, have worked tirelessly.

Over the past year, the Departmental Council of Côte-d’Or has responded and assumed its responsibilities.

We have supplied more than 4 million masks to municipalities, secondary school pupils, agents of the medico-social sector, agents of our services and associations along the Orian coast.

We also voted for an exceptional support and solidarity plan of € 24 million for residents.

And I will propose in a few days, on Monday January 25, 2021, within the framework of an extraordinary session of the Department, to extend, complete and amplify this solidarity plan, in particular towards young people, because the crisis is still there and is still hitting as strong.

A message of hope

For 2021, I want you a message of hope on the health front.

I have confidence in science, I have confidence in technical progress when it is put at the service of the common good and territorial balance.

2021 brings renewed hope, with the arrival of the vaccine.

I only have two words to say to you on this subject: get vaccinated!

Get vaccinated, and tell those around you, because we are able to stop the spread of the virus.

Of course, I will get the vaccine too.

Faced with this observation, I asked that we speed up the vaccination of those most at risk.

We must vaccinate as quickly as possible, as many people as possible.

As I speak, the vaccination of people aged 75 is (finally) launched.

I proposed to the Prefect the assistance of the services of the Department and I remind you that the Department shares with the State the administrative supervision of EHPADs, Accommodation Establishments for Dependent Elderly People.

The EHPAD vaccination plan is underway.

It must be finished as soon as possible.

I would like to express my thanks to all the staff for their commitment to serving our seniors.

Throughout 2020, our services have worked with the most vulnerable, the elderly, people with disabilities, early childhood, people in integration.

At the height of the crisis, in full confinement, we continued to carry out all our missions.

All benefits were paid on time.

We continued to maintain our roads, we continued to provide catering in the colleges.

We have protected children and families, provided solidarity with reinforced emergency aid and a meal price of € 2 for all in public colleges [-1,74 € le repas dans les collèges privés].

Throughout the Department, our services have remained there, very present and I also want to thank the police, our professional and volunteer firefighters, who have been exposed in recent months and sometimes even attacked, which is unacceptable. .

I assure them of our confidence and support.

This territorial presence, we are attached to it.

It’s a chance to take actions closer to you.

And let’s be honest, some wanted (and still want) the elimination of the Department, but today, everyone sees that we are an essential structure to provide our help to the most vulnerable and fight against fractures.

Our 2,700 agents demonstrate their commitment every day, both in town and in the countryside.

There were very lively discussions with the mayor of Dijon.

These are not men’s quarrels, but two visions of the future.

I don’t think there is the city on one side and the countryside on the other.

There is only one Côte-d’Or and we want to support each Côte-d’Orien, wherever they live.

There is only one Côte-d’Or which must unite its forces to offer each of our inhabitants a quality of life and a future where we have chosen to live, in all serenity.

Yes, in the face of this crisis which gives rise to so many doubts and so many social dramas, closures of activities, including cultural activities or restorations, there are no places for futile quarrels.

I like Dijon.

I love the Côte-d’Or.

All the Côte-d’Or.

And our goal is to protect, but also to prepare for the future.

This crisis, we will get out of it.

This crisis is accelerating change.

It is no longer an evolution: it is a digital and ecological revolution that we are living.

Yes, our priorities are clear: we want to protect the most vulnerable, it is our core competence.

Protect our elders, women and children victims of violence.

Protect families and our young people.

But we must also prepare for the changes and invest in the strategies of the future.

This year, we voted for a € 110 million investment plan, which makes our Department the number one investor.

We are going to invest in our colleges, our roads, our territories, our forests and our agriculture, with our brand “Savoir-Faire 100% Côte-d’Or”.

But we will also continue to invest massively to deploy Very High Speed, with nearly € 30 million in investments this year, in order to bring optical fiber to homes.

The program will be completed in 2022, well ahead of the original program.

[A ce jour, un débit de 30 Mb/s est disponible pour 75 % des communes.]

And the Internet and dematerialized services must be accessible to the most vulnerable.

We want to fight against a new divide, that of access to services.

Our efforts will be continued on structuring projects: the development of the cycle route network, the bypass of Mirebeau-sur-Bèze, the bypass of Beaune, the repair of the bridge over the Saône, and all the interventions that we are carrying out on the structures of art, to guarantee their reliability and safety on our roads.

We want to upgrade LiNo to 2×2 lanes, because it is the only viable solution to the recurring traffic jam problems, which have lasted too long.

We will be alongside the inhabitants of the 698 municipalities of Côte-d’Or: we will support their projects, their services and equipment, which help to preserve and improve the living environment in our department.

It’s essential.

Yes, the crisis we are going through is accelerating major changes.

François MAURIAC wrote that “The ordeal never turns the face we expected to us.”

It’s true: nothing will be the same.

Developments will continue, I am thinking in particular of teleworking (we already had 150 teleworking agents in our services in the Department before the confinement of 2020).

There is a desire for quality of life, for a new balance, a desire for quality food.

Our Futurs 21 innovation program aims to prepare Côte-d’Or for these major changes and to experience the lifestyles of tomorrow.

As you can see, our course is set and the road to reach it is clear.

Finally, it is a message of unity that I want to send to you.

We are resolutely engaged in this fight for secularism to guarantee everyone the right to believe or not to believe, but by inscribing it in strict compliance with the laws of the Republic.

Our time will have been crossed by terrorist violence, which again descended on our territory, striking again and again innocent people.

It is with deep emotion that we remember Professor Samuel Paty, assassinated for teaching freedom of expression.

We preserve the memory of the faithful of the Notre-Dame basilica of Nice, killed for having practiced their religion.

Radical Islamism must be fought step by step, and to eradicate it, we need national unity.

Article 1 of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic recalls that “France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic. It ensures equality before the law of all citizens without distinction of origin, race or religion. She respects all beliefs. “

For this year 2021, I wish you to hold on and keep hope.

The return to normal life is not yet for today, but we will be ready, tomorrow, to relive the moments of conviviality, of joy, of escape, which we love so much and which make up the art of living in Golden Coast.

I wish you all a Happy New Year 2021.

Long live France!

Long live the Côte-d’Or!

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