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Coronavirus – 433 deaths in Italy within 24 hours

The number of people currently infected was 108,257, 486 more than on Saturday. 25,033 Covid 19 patients were in the Italian hospitals, including 2,635 in the intensive care unit, 98 fewer than the previous day. The number of patients in home isolation was 80,589. The number of people recovered rose to 47,055.

In Lombardy, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in Italy, the death toll rose by 163 to 12,213 in 24 hours. The number of people currently infected rose by 855 to 34,497. 10,342 people were in the Lombard hospitals. 922 of these were in the intensive care unit, 25 less than on the previous day.

“We haven’t won the fight yet, the challenge could still be long, so we have to be particularly careful and take precautions,” said Pietro Foroni, Lombard’s Civil Protection Officer.

Meanwhile, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Turkey has risen to 86,306. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said on Sunday. An increase of 3,977 cases in the past 24 hours raised Turkey’s confirmed number above that of China, where the novel coronavirus first appeared.

Koca said 127 other people had died of or have Covid 19 disease. That increased the death toll to 2,017. A total of 11,976 people have recovered from the coronavirus so far, and the number of tests performed in the past 24 hours has been 35,344, the minister said. Turkey has the seventh highest total in the world. So far, more than 634,000 people have been tested.

In France, visits to old people’s homes and nursing homes are to be permitted again as part of the relaxation of the coronavirus restrictions. As of Monday there will be another right to visit, albeit with restrictions, said French Health Minister Olivier Véran at a press conference with Prime Minister Édouard Philippe on Sunday evening. No more than two relatives may visit a resident in a senior or social care facility at the same time. In addition, physical contact is still prohibited, said Véran. The visit ban has been in effect since mid-March.

France has had strict exit restrictions since mid-March. They should last until May 11th. From then on, schools and kindergartens should gradually open again, but the universities should not open before summer. Restaurants, cafes or hotels should remain closed for the time being. “Our life from May 11th will not be the life of before,” said Prime Minister Philippe.

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