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Careful! These 5 Eating Habits Make Blood Sugar Unstable


Ensure rates blood sugar staying normal is not easy, especially for people who have a history of diabetes. There are several eating habits that must be avoided if you want blood sugar to remain stable.

Diet, the type of food, to the portion of food that really determines a person’s health. Poor eating habits can invite various health problems, including diabetes.

According to Eat This, Not That! (26/3) Maintaining blood sugar balance is one of the important things to ensure the body stays healthy. According to Kate Kanner, spikes and drops in blood sugar that occur drastically is known as insulin resistance.

If glucose levels in the bloodstream are left high for a long period of time, it can cause damage to blood vessels, nerves, and even other vital organs. Therefore, it is very important to keep blood sugar normal and stable.

“Food has a major role to play in maintaining blood sugar balance. The best way to prevent spikes in blood sugar is to eat a balanced diet that contains vegetables, protein and whole grains with healthy fats,” says nutritionist Elizabeth Arensberg, MS, RD.

There are several eating habits that must be observed to maintain blood sugar levels:

1. Snacking on sweet and high-carbohydrate foods

To keep blood sugar levels normal, try to avoid sugary, high-carbohydrate foods such as sweets, high-sugar cereals, and other foods that are high in sugar. This was revealed by nutritionist Dana Ellis Hunnes.

For example, it’s better to eat eggs and avocado with toast than to add jam.

“When we eat high amounts of carbohydrates or sugar, high amounts of glucose are released into the bloodstream,” Arensberg says. “Blood sugar will rise and go much higher than the body can control. Then, the pancreas has to pump a lot of insulin to help manage the spike in glucose. This will then cause the high blood sugar level to drop, thereby drastically reducing energy.”

These Eating Habits Make Blood Sugar Unstable Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/karandaev

2. Eat refined carbohydrates

White bread, tortillas, and pasta, as well as pastries or other foods made with white flour, are not recommended to be consumed when you are maintaining your blood sugar levels. blood sugar. This was revealed by nutritionist David Brendan.

“Most refined grains are low in protein and fiber,” says Katie Tomaschko. “So eating too many refined grains will cause spikes and drops in blood sugar.”

As an alternative, Tomaschko recommends choosing brown rice or quinoa instead of white rice, whole wheat bread instead of white bread, and oatmeal instead of breakfast cereal.

3 Skipping meals

“When you go long periods without eating a meal or snack, your blood sugar levels drop dramatically,” Kanner says. “This is also known as hypoglycemia, and causes feelings of lethargy and tiredness because the body literally lacks energy.”

So try not to skip meals, especially at breakfast. “When you wake up, you need fuel that comes from food as an energy source. If you skip breakfast, it will tend to feel dizzy. It is recommended to eat one hour after waking up, choose foods high in protein and healthy fats.”

If you are too busy to prepare breakfast, try to eat snacks such as apples, almonds or whole grain crackers. This snack can prevent a drop in blood sugar.

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