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Can you just relax? 9+3 anti-stress diet to help you reduce stress and be happier as you eat!


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9 more 3 less anti-stress diet, help you reduce some stress, the more you eat, the happier you are!

If you want to be free, just relax! Dietitian Lexie Zhang Yizhen of Good Food Class shares 9 more and 3 less anti-stress diet to help you reduce some stress and make you happier as you eat!

eat more of these

.Salmon: omega-3 fatty acids reduce stress hormone (cortisol) secretion, help fight inflammation, and reduce anxiety

.Green leafy vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and dietary fiber. Studies have found that fruit and vegetable intake is associated with a lower risk of depression and helps maintain a positive mood

.Nuts: Nuts are rich in magnesium, zinc, and vitamin E, which help to fight inflammation, regulate immunity, and help reduce stress, but remember to eat them in moderation, because nuts are oily foods, and eating too much can easily lead to obesity

.Eggs: Vitamin D can help reduce depression, anxiety, and reduce inflammation and stress

.Oysters: Zinc helps lower stress, improve sleep quality, and reduce anxiety

.Chicken breast: tryptophan is an essential raw material for serotonin synthesis, enough intake can help the body reduce stress and relax

.Sweet potatoes: Moderate carbohydrates can promote the synthesis of serotonin and help increase the concentration of serotonin in the body. It is recommended to eat sweet potatoes, potatoes and other whole grains and unrefined grains

.Milk: Sufficient intake of calcium can not only help muscles contract and relax normally, but also stabilize mood and reduce stress

.Yogurt: Probiotics help adjust the intestinal environment and improve mood problems through the gut-brain axis

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Can you just relax, 9+3 anti-stress diet

eat less of these

.High-salt food: A long-term high-salt diet increases the body’s oxidative stress, and causes blood pressure to rise, which is prone to cardiovascular disease, so don’t be greedy for heavy food, and don’t often eat high-salt foods such as cup noodles and potato chips

.High-fat diet: High-fat diet will cause weight gain and obesity, and increase anxiety problems. It is recommended to fry less food and replace it with other cooking methods such as steaming, frying and roasting

.Refined sugar: Too much refined sugar can increase fat accumulation and inflammation, also affect blood sugar fluctuations and promote anxiety behavior

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Editor in charge: Gu Zihuan

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2023-04-29 02:09:59

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