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California Woman Discovers Terrifying Family Secret: Step-Grandfather Suspected Serial Killer

California Woman Suspects Step-Grandfather Was a Serial Killer

California Woman Suspects Step-Grandfather Was a Serial Killer

By Olivia Land

Published on March 2, 2024, 12:03 p.m. ET

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A California woman has uncovered shocking family secrets, leading her to suspect that her step-grandfather might have been a serial killer responsible for several unsolved murders in the 1970s. Sierra Barter, the woman in question, has unveiled the truth about her step-grandfather, Jim Mordecai, in a new documentary titled “The Truth About Jim” produced by Max.

Driven by Personal Experiences

Sierra Barter’s suspicions began to arise only after the death of Jim Mordecai in 2008. Barter’s mother, Shannon, had harbored a strong dislike for Mordecai, causing a rift between her and her own mother, Judy, for a decade. It wasn’t until later that Barter discovered the extent of Mordecai’s horrifying actions, including sexual abuse of the women in his life.

With the new knowledge of the abuse, Barter began to connect the dots between her step-grandfather and the Santa Rosa hitchhiker murders – a series of unsolved murders that occurred between 1972 and 1973 in northern California. Mordecai’s second wife reported that he had once threatened to harm their children, indicating a propensity for violence.

Potential Breakthrough in the Investigation

Sierra Barter took the initiative to provide the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office with some of Mordecai’s personal belongings that could potentially contain DNA evidence. However, due to the age of the cases and the passage of time, the investigation is ongoing, and it may present some challenges.

Barter expressed hope that answers may finally be found for the families of the victims. She acknowledged that the investigation faces significant obstacles, including missing evidence and the passing of involved parties. Nevertheless, she remains optimistic.

Freedom from Shadows

Discovering the truth and confronting the dark secrets of her step-grandfather’s actions has brought some closure for Barter. She has regained her fractured family and can now move forward without the burden of Jim Mordecai’s presence in her life. Barter expressed her gratitude for the support and solidarity of the women around her.

While attempting to understand the motives behind Mordecai’s actions, Barter acknowledged that his destructive behavior could have been the result of his own childhood trauma, although she emphasized that this doesn’t excuse his actions. Barter believes that seeking help and healing is crucial for breaking the cycle of abuse.

As the investigation progresses, Sierra Barter hopes that the truth will prevail and that the families of the victims can finally find closure.

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