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Beware: these daily habits affect brain health .. stop them immediately

4:00 pm

Wednesday 13 January 2021

I wrote – Asma Morsi

Many people become accustomed to doing many wrong daily habits that negatively affect the health of the brain, and choosing certain lifestyles can be a reason for maintaining our sanity in a great way.

In the report, we present to you the most prominent wrong daily habits that affect brain health, according to the medical website “webmd”:

– Lack of sleep

Not getting enough sleep is considered a cause of lethargy and makes you forgetful the next day, and Alzheimer’s disease, so it is better to have regular sleep hours, and if you suffer from sleep problems, you should avoid caffeine and alcohol, and look at the phone night.

Sitting for long periods of time alone

It is one of the bad habits that many people do that negatively affect the brain, so you must deal with others to enhance the health of the mind and its functions, and improve mental health as well.

Some research has confirmed that people who enjoy social communication throughout their lives have greater cognitive abilities, so be sure to communicate with your family and friends, to expand your circle of acquaintances.

Excessive eating junk food

Eating fast food has a direct effect on brain function and health, because it contains unhealthy components and elements, so it is preferable to eat healthy foods rich in minerals and vitamins that promote brain health.

Wearing headphones more loudly

Wearing your headphones at a high volume, you can seriously damage your ears in just 30 minutes, and it is not just about the ear, but hearing loss in the elderly is linked to brain problems, such as Alzheimer’s disease and brain tissue loss.

Not moving too much

The longer you remain without regular exercise, the more likely you are to develop dementia, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure, all of which may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

So it is better to walk for half an hour in the park at least 3 days a week, as exercise helps improve mental capacity.


One of the most important bad habits that affects all body systems, not just the nervous system, and research has shown that smoking harms nerve cells and they become more likely to forget, develop dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

– Sit in the dark a lot

If you don’t get enough natural light, you could become depressed and it slows the growth of mental cells, and research also suggests that sunlight helps keep your mind healthy.

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