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Be careful with photos of children on the net – Internet tip

Vacation, sun, laughing children: Parents enjoy it – and many share the fun by sharing photos of their little ones on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Co. But that is not without risk. What should adults consider before posting?

The police warn of the danger that photos of children can be sexualized and abused by strangers. In particular, excessively revealing recordings should not be shown on the Internet, advises the Central Office of Crime Prevention of the federal states and the federal government in Stuttgart. The EU initiative Klicksafe, represented in Germany by the State Media Authority of Rhineland-Palatinate, mentions another reason for restraint: “What is funny for adults can be embarrassing and shameful for children.”

Risk of abuse: As soon as photos or videos are uploaded, according to the police, the parents no longer have control over what happens to them on the Internet. “There are profiles and pages that collect images of children, specifically

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