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Arrested in Maracay for gender violence against his partner

In the city of Maracay, a man identified as Andrés Alejandro Rodríguez Cortez has been detained by the Coordination of Investigations of Crimes Against Persons, attached to the Municipal Delegation of Maracay, for allegedly physically and verbally assaulting his sentimental partner.

These types of acts are considered crimes of gender violence and have serious legal consequences.

The arrest occurred in response to the victim’s complaint, who reported the attacks and assaults by her partner. The commission made up of the police office prepared to apprehend the suspect, and during the investigation, the broomstick with which he attacked the citizen was found as evidence.

The differences in family life were due to marital problems, and the man, in the midst of his jealous rage, fell into this irregular act of assaulting his wife.

The Organic Law on the Right of Women to a Life Free of Violence contemplates this type of crime and establishes the necessary measures to protect the victims. The case processed in the Maracay Delegation was made available to the 25th Prosecutor’s Office of the Public Ministry for the investigation of the file before the judicial instance.

It is important to raise awareness about the importance of reporting this type of aggression and the seriousness of the legal consequences for those who commit it.

2023-05-04 14:28:14

#Arrested #Maracay #gender #violence #partner

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