Home » today » News » Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the crossing of the occupiers across the Seversky Donets (video) — UNIAN

Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the crossing of the occupiers across the Seversky Donets (video) — UNIAN

Thanks to our artillery, the Russian military, in addition to the crossing, lost several pieces of equipment and several dozen military personnel.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine once again destroyed the pontoon crossing of the invaders across the river Seversky Donets.

This is reported Telegramchannel of the Ministry of the Interior.

It is noted that aerial reconnaissance officers of the State Border Service of Ukraine discovered that the invaders had established a crossing across the river. Having built a pontoon bridge, they were going to transport about a dozen units of armored vehicles.

“The enemy planned to overcome the Seversky Donets, and in return replenished the composition of the submarine fleet. … The timely transmission of information to the gunners of the Armed Forces of Ukraine made adjustments to the plans of the invaders, and the crossing was destroyed with a well-aimed shot along with the enemy tank, which was at that time on it,” – the message says.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that enemy tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and infantry tried to escape, but thanks to the work of a reconnaissance drone, our artillery received information about their deployment.

“As a result of the work of our artillery, the enemy lost several pieces of equipment and several dozen military men,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs informs.

As UNIAN reported earlier, the Armed Forces of Ukraine had already prevented the Russian invaders from crossing the Seversky Donets. The Russians planned to carry out the redeployment of personnel and heavy armored vehicles through a pontoon crossing near Serebryanka. But forcing the Seversky Donets River is a mission impossible thanks to the soldiers of the 30th Specialized Brigade and other power structures.

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