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Apple Launches Android App for AirTags Presence Detection


Apple launched an app for competitor android smartphones that will notify users if there is a tracking device nearby. Photo/doc

JAKARTAApple launched an app for a competitor’s android smartphone that will notify the user if there is a tracking device nearby. This application was launched by Apple to prevent its AirTags from being misused by bad people to track other people.

Reported BBC, Wednesday (12/15/2021), this new application made by Apple allows android users to detect trackers nearby. AirTags works by leveraging millions of Apple devices, each of which can detect nearby tags.

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“These inexpensive little tags have the potential to make it easier for stalkers to hide them in the victim’s car or personal belongings and then be able to track the victim’s whereabouts,” Rachel Horman-Brown, head of anti-stalking advocacy service Paladin, told BBC.

Two months after its release, amid concerns over abuse, Apple introduced a feature where iPhone will notify the user if an AirTag or other third-party device is moving with you.

And the new Android Tracker Detection app tries to provide Android users with some of the security features that Apple has built into its own devices.

“The app will search for AirTags trackers within Bluetooth range that are separate from their owners,” Apple said in its support documentation.

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If someone uses an AirTag or other item tracker to track their location, you can scan to find them.

This application also allows users to make sounds on the AirTag to help find it. This can be done if the AirTag has been nearby for at least 10 minutes. The app also contains instructions on how to disable the tracking device by removing the battery.

Initial reviews for the Android app were mixed, with some users criticizing the fact that the scan had to be started manually. Yet others praised Apple for introducing privacy tools on rival platforms.


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