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Alopecia: symptoms, causes and treatments

Having thick and always tidy hair is the dream of men and women, however the action of atmospheric agents, the use of aggressive detergents or unclean tools can put a strain on the scalp health.

In fact, if you do not take the necessary precautions, you can find yourself with dry, brittle hair, itchy and with dandruff. Or they may appear signs of alopecia, which is a common pathology in many individuals and which causes the gradual loss of hair, up to (sometimes) baldness. We know how much this phenomenon (especially in women) – as well as dandruff and damaged hair – can represent both an aesthetic and a psychological problem.

So let’s see together what alopecia is, what causes it, what the symptoms are and how to best treat it.

What is that

As indicated by the Italian Society of Trichology, alopecia consists of a decrease in hair from a quantitative and qualitative point of view (they appear less thick) or even in the fall of the same. There are different types of alopecia where causes and symptoms can differ from each other. In particular we can distinguish alopecia in:

  • scarring. In this case the hair follicles are irreversibly damaged;
  • not cicatricial. Here the hair follicles are not irreparably damaged, but there is a reduction / slowdown in hair growth.

Between most common alopecia There are:

  • alopecia areata which causes patchy hair loss, but also hair loss on other parts of the body;
  • total alopecia where hair loss occurs throughout the head;
  • universal alopecia (affects the hair of the whole body);
  • alopecia androgenetica. Often referred to as “baldness”, it is the most common hair disease that predominantly affects men, especially with advancing age.


Also considering the different types of alopecia, it is good to keep in mind that this pathology can be caused by several causes including factors:

  • genetic;
  • nutritional. Our body needs essential nutrients for the proper functioning of every single part of the body. However, these nutrients, often taken through food, can be deficient and have a negative impact on hair as well, as in the case of lack of vitamin D. iron;
  • psychological. For example, stress and anxiety following surgery, pregnancy;
  • hormonal (thyroid dysfunction);
  • the use of some medications, including those used for treatments such as chemotherapy.

To these can be added other causes, albeit less frequent, such as the presence of autoimmune diseases or scalp anomalies.


So how to realize the presence of alopecia? A valid help consists incareful observation of symptoms that we can do independently at the very first moment and which must be accompanied by the evaluation of a specialist for an exact diagnosis. The most important alarm bell is given by hair loss which can occur both on the head and on other areas of the body (arms, legs, eyebrows, beard).

For an accurate diagnosis it is important to evaluate the patient’s history, symptoms, the distribution of hair loss, the presence of scars or skin lesions. In the case ofalopecia androgenetica, the analysis of hair loss is crucial, which for men tends to start at the temples or at the crown (i.e. the vertex) and then become thinning (diffuse or complete). For women, however, hair loss mostly affects the front and crown.

Other symptoms that can occur are: burning, itching, tingling, peeling.

Possible treatments

Once the case assessments and a diagnosis have been made, one proceeds with one personalized therapy. The treatment used in the case of alopecia varies according to the triggering causes. Most of the time, hair loss does not go away on its own so it is necessary to act as soon as possible. In general, treatments involving the administration of specific drugs, such as Minoxidil 5%, an active ingredient contained in several medicines and useful for stimulating hair and hair growth.

In cases of permanent alopecia, on the other hand, the use of surgery or alopecia can also be evaluated hair transplant.

Can alopecia be prevented?

The underlying causes of the development of alopecia are different and cannot always be prevented. Certainly follow a healthy diet, which provides the nutrients necessary for hair health, can be of great help, as well as avoiding it as much as possible stressful situations which can negatively impact the scalp.

The advice therefore is to take better care of your hair and if an important loss occurs, it is good to ask for the consultation of a trichologist.

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