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Cure the annoying symptoms of hemorrhoids with food

Hemorrhoids have a great impact on the quality of life of people who suffer from them. The best ally to control discomfort is food

One of the health conditions plus uncomfortable Y painful no doubt they are hemorrhoids, are characterized by inflammation Y dilatation of the lower rectum and the veins That make it up. exist two types of hemorrhoids internal and external, both conditions stand out for their affectation in the quality of life of the people who suffer from them. They stand out for their painful symptoms among which are bleeding, mucous secretions and the appearance of lumps, which in addition to causing a lot of pain have bleed and get infected

There are several risk factor’s that unleash the appearance of hemorrhoids, among the main highlights the pregnancysome Digestive diseases, the constipation, remain seated for a long time and a Low fiber diet Supplementary to treatment Y medical supervision, hemorrhoids can be effectively treated naturally with a proper diet prioritizing the fiber consumption and reducing the effort in bowel movements

What to eat if I have hemorrhoids?

When they suffer hemorrhoids there are key recommendations in the fedn, among the main ones are increase fiber intake, consume abundant liquids natural and consider food intake with high in vitamin K. The fiber will act favoring the stool expulsion and helping them to be softer; and the vitamin K stands out for its benefits to stop the bleeding process. Some food recommendations They are:

1. Flax seeds

The flaxseed or flaxseed they stand out for being a food with a high acid intake Omega 3 fatty acids and fiber, so they are perfect for treating constipation and fighting inflammation characteristic of hemorrhoids. The recommendation is to integrate 10 grams of flax seeds in the juice, smoothie or yogurt that we consume in the morning.

Flax seeds / Photo: Shutterstock

2. Whole grains

Those foods of whole grain they are the perfect ally to improve symptom of the hemorrhoids, this is because they are a extraordinary source of fiber. They are a good food group for soften stool Y facilitate digestion. Try to integrate into your diet a daily serving from oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice or buckwheat.

oatmeal breakfastoatmeal breakfast
Avena./Photo: Shutterstock

3. Vegetables rich in vitamin K

The vegetables with a high contentor in vitamin K They are essential in the diet of those people who suffer constantly hemorrhoids, this is due to its ability to favor coagulation Y stop bleeding characteristic of hemorrhoids. Consume of free way vegetables like carrot, spinach, broccoli, cabbage or kale.

Carrots / Photo: Fotolia

4. Nuts

The nuts preferreds to treat hemorrhoids are the walnuts and raisins, this is due to its high fiber input and its ability to improve the intestinal transit, what fights the constipation. Try to consume a fist a day and in natural versions, without salt or toast.

Nuts. / Photo: Shutterstock

5. Cruciferous vegetables

This group of vegetables stands out for its extraordinary contribution in vitamin K, in such a way that they will help fight bleeding. They are vegetables that can cause flatulence, it is therefore important to consume them steamed, seeks to integrate the consumption of Cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts and broccoli.

Purple cabbage / Photo: Credit: Georilla / Pixabay

6. Legumes

The legumes family They are populares for their health effects, one of his main virtues It is due to his high fiber content At the same time they stand out for being food that produce satiety Y they are easy to digest, to avoid possible gas try to cook them in previous soak and add fennel to the preparations. Eat one serving a day of lentils, chickpeas or beans it is perfect.

Legumes / Photo: Shutterstock

What foods should you avoid?

The foods that We should avoid and that are characterized by worsen this condition They are that favor constipation Y They affect intestinal transit. Considers skip the following:

  • Refined sugars
  • Foods with excess sodium content and preservatives.
  • Alcohol and coffee
  • Refined cereals
  • Spicy and spicy foods in excess.

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