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Update on Cancer Vaccine, Menstrual Management Study, and Botulism Resulting from Botox Injections in Science

Vaccine against cancer developed in Chile

The TAPCells cancer vaccinedeveloped by Chilean scientists, will begin its clinical study in Brazil, under the supervision of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA).

This preparation was developed by Dr. and former minister Flavio Salazar, academic at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile. His previous studies showed that he increased life expectancy between 3 to 4 times in 60% of the patients who received it, without presenting adverse effects.

Sernac carried out the first study on menstrual management

The National Consumer Service (Sernac) announced the results of the first study on menstrual management focused on people deprived of liberty, on the streets and those who live in camps.

One of the most worrying findings revealed by the study is that only 48% of the inmates mentioned that they have access to menstrual management products every day they need them, and 41% access these items through visits.

For APROFA, an organization that has experience in interventions in prison institutions, it is clear how the sexual and reproductive rights are violated in our society, particularly those of women.

Read more here.

Paralysis related to botox treatment for weight loss

67 cases of botulism were registered in Europe, of patients treated in health establishments in Turkey and Istanbul, who after undergoing an aesthetic treatment with botox to lose weight, have had to be admitted to intensive care.

This condition, caused by botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) that attack the body’s nerves and can cause paralysis, shortness of breath and even death, was contracted by people from Germany (12), Austria (1), Switzerland (1) and Turkey (53), according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

Bacterial vaginosis can be transmitted from women to men

Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection in women and for years, researchers have not managed to determine if it is transmitted sexually.

To break the medical study gap and deliver great results to the study of diseases that affect women, a team from the University of Indiana, United States, led by Dr. Evelyn Toh, discovered that this bacterial infection is transmitted from women to men.

Read more here.

They discover a sixth flavor: alkaline

Scientists from the Monell Chemical Senses Center, an organization dedicated to researching flavors, discovered a sixth taste thanks to the discovery of a person which they baptized as alka.

That element hides instructions for detecting the alkalinity of a substance. In this way, the flies used in the research were able to distinguish foods with high pH, ​​removing them from their diet.

Read more here.

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