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Epidemic, partial, lack of supervisors: a back-to-school student under pressure

The students, too, are back on Monday January 3. With great apprehension, since it coincides with their partial exams, at the height of the Covid epidemic… They will take place in physics, and without gauge in the lecture halls, announced this Tuesday, December 28 Jean-Michel Blanquer, in place of the Minister of Higher Education Frederique Vidal.

Not enough supervisors

In Rennes 2, 300 psychology students demanded that distance exams be held. Corn unlike the winter of 2020, during which a gymnasium where exams were to be held had been set on fire in Nantes, this position is no longer in the majority. “We are for the holding of face-to-face courses and exams, because too many students have suffered from distance courses during confinement”, explains Imane Ouelhadj, vice-president of UNEF. The student union is above all asking for supervisory resources to split the examination rooms.

The situation is especially tense in Île-de-France. According to the results of a questionnaire sent by UNEF to 5,000 students of the University Panthéon-Sorbonne, 800 (16%) would have the Covid and 2,250 (45%) would be in contact. In theory, they are supposed to declare themselves sick.

Universities offer “Brush sessions”, to retake exams very quickly. Panthéon-Sorbonne only offers remedial tests in June. Too late for third year students who do not want to miss the train of master’s selections, in April-May. Consequence, warns the UNEF, “Positive students could come to compose for fear of a transition to catching up” …

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