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9 Unique Celestial Objects You May Not Know About, Let’s Hear!

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – The universe is full of things Paradise awesome. From the one planet that glides into space to the colorful explosions of massive stars.

Reported Revolutionized.com, Wednesday (2/11/2022) as scientists continue to explore universe Using increasingly sophisticated telescopes, they have made surprising and unique discoveries.

Indeed, some celestial bodies The unique thing even changes the way we think about the universe and our place in it, here’s an explanation:

1. TRAPPIST-1 system

Although more than 4,000 exoplanets have been identified across the universe, the TRAPPIST-1 system is truly unique. The TRAPPIST-1 system not only has planets similar in size and density to Earth in the habitable zone.

It also has seven planets. These planets are all very similar to each other, as well as in size to the Earth. An Earth-like planet is extremely rare.

Located at a relatively short distance of 40 light-years, TRAPPIST-1 itself is a red dwarf, so it is much smaller and colder than the Sun.

TRAPPIST-1 is currently considered the most Earth-like planet in the system.

But all TRAPPIST-1 planets can have water on them, making this system the best on the list for interstellar exploration.

2. Rogue Planet

Planet Rogue are some of the saddest and most interesting celestial bodies humans have discovered to date. These unique planets do not orbit the stars. They don’t have a solar system or a “home” in the universe.

Instead, the Rogue planets glide into space completely on their own. Scientists believe this is the result of gravity essentially knocking a planet out of its original orbit.

Recently, astronomers discovered a revolutionary cluster of over 70 rogue planets within the Milky Way galaxy. There could be billions of them scattered across the universe.

A thick layer of ice for geothermal insulation and warming from within the planet’s core could potentially allow life to form, even if it doesn’t resemble life as we know it on Earth.

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video-gallery--item__video-caption_read-video-article">Space debris believed to be part of the Chinese Long March 5B rocket crashed in Sanggau, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan). Before falling, the fiery red object floated above the sky.

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