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8 Daily Habits Cause Distended Stomach

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

A bulging stomach can increase the risk disease. You can prevent it by avoiding habit everyday causes of distended stomach.

A distended stomach can be caused by a number of activities that are repeated every day. From diet to lifestyle. Avoiding this habit and changing it to a healthy lifestyle can prevent and eliminate a bulging stomach.

Summarized from various sources, here are the daily habits that cause a distended stomach.

1. Smoking

One of the daily habits that causes a distended stomach is smoking. (Photo: Pixabay/tatlin)-

Referring to Medical News Today, smoking has a bad influence on the formation of belly fat.

The results of the study show that obese people and smokers have more visceral fat or hidden fat in their bodies than non-smokers.

2. Drink less

Adequate water intake for the body can accelerate lipolysis, which is the body’s process when burning fat for energy.

But on the other hand, if you are dehydrated, the lipolysis function decreases, dehydration appears, so that the body’s functions are not working optimally. Fat also accumulates and causes a distended stomach.

3. Sleeping too much

Nap illustrationOne of the daily habits that cause a distended stomach is too much sleep. (Photo: iStock/fizkes)-

Sleep can help speed up the metabolism to lose fat. However, if you sleep too much to exceed the ideal duration, the opposite happens.

Researchers at Wake Forest found that those who slept more than 8 hours had a lot of belly fat that put them at risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Check out other daily habits that cause a distended stomach on the following page.

8 Daily Habits Cause Distended Stomach


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