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“7 Health Benefits of Salak Fruit: Nutritional Content, Uses and More | TEMPO.CO”

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Who doesn’t know salak fruit which are often found on the side of the road with various types and prices? Salak is a fruit that is quite popular in Indonesia, especially in Java and Sumatra.

Fruit which in English is called snake fruit It has a characteristic brown color with many types, such as salak pondoh, snakefruit bali, and others. However, it turns out that salak fruit has many health benefits. Check out the following description.

Nutritional Content of Salak
Salak fruit contains many vitamins and nutrients. These ingredients include calcium, protein, vitamin C, iron, calcium, carbohydrates, and beta-carotene. This protein is very beneficial for the health of the body.

In addition, citing books Sala Fruit Potentialk by dr. Haryoto and Edi Priyanto, this fruit also has other ingredients but varies, depending on the type. For example salak pondoh which has a composition of sucrose, glucose, fructose, and other volatile compounds, such as methyl ester from butanic acid, and other types of ingredients.

Another example is the type of Balinese salak which has a water content of up to 80 percent, 23.30 percent sugar, 0.32 percent acid, 0.08 percent tannin, and 1.54 mg/100 gram of vitamin C.



Benefits of Salak Fruit
Salak fruit has several health benefits. Apart from having a variety of tastes, ranging from sweet to sour, it turns out that salak has good nutritional content. Quoting a book Fruit Benefits by Dayat Suryana, the benefits of salak fruit include:

1. Good for eyes
Research says salak fruit contains beta-carotene which is good for eye health. This content can also prevent nearsightedness. Therefore, regular consumption of snake fruit in the diet can be used as an alternative to maintain eye health.

2. Ease defecation
Salak is also useful for relieving stomach pain, bloating, irregular bowel movements, diarrhea and other digestive problems because it contains compounds that can be used to treat diarrhea quickly.

3. Take care of the cardiovascular system
Who would have thought that salak fruit can actually make the heart healthier because of its high antioxidant and mineral content so that this content can maintain the cardiovascular system properly and help regulate water in the body.

4. Control blood sugar
Salak is also useful for controlling diabetes, usually by using salak skins which are processed into tea. This fruit also contains pterostilben which can lower blood sugar so it can control diabetes.

5. Good for pregnant women
As it has become commonplace if pregnant women will often feel nauseous, especially when the womb is still young. To help overcome nausea, consumption of salak can be done. However, also avoid consuming it in excess. It would be better to balance it with the consumption of nuts which are rich in protein.

6. Helps bone health
One of the nutrients present in zalacca is calcium, which is good for maintaining bone health. Therefore, consumption of zalacca indirectly helps maintain bone health, especially for children who are still growing.

7. Reducing the risk or possibility of getting hemorrhoids
Lastly, consuming fruit Doing this regularly can also help reduce the risk of hemorrhoids because salak is rich in nutrients that can improve health. Salak contains nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants that can combat damage to body cells.


Editor’s Choice: What are the Nutrients in Salak Fruit that are Beneficial?

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2023-04-30 15:17:00
#Benefits #Salak #Fruit #Health #Good #Bones #engteco_news #Tempo.co

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